☄️191204 HAPPY JINDAY- 24 hours with JIN☄️ I post a photo every hour before, total 50photos. I tidy up with different languages below. imgur.com/a/QiRXnoM Hope we can together to celebrate further his birthday. Thanks,Army. #happyjinday #191204ArmyProject #jinkissletsgo
☄️20191204 JIN BIRTHDAY SUPPORT-Youtube Advertising☄️ This year’s Jin birthday support idea is “ARMY” These videos will show in Youtube ads in different weeks at whole the month of December. From jinkissletsgo & Worldwide ARMY #jinkissletsgo #191204ArmyProject #HAPPYJINDAY
☄️20191204 JIN BIRTHDAY SUPPORT-FREE SLOGAN 2019 MAMA☄️ This year’s Jin birthday support idea is “ARMY” I will hand out the free slogan at MAMA in Nagoya on 12/4. 12月4日の当日、私は名古屋の会場の近の紙製のスローガンを配ります。 #jinkissletsgo #191204ArmyProject #HAPPYJINDAY
☄️20191204 JIN BIRTHDAY SUPPORT-KOREA COEX Advertising☄️ This year’s Jin birthday support idea is “ARMY” I hope Army can go there to celebrate Jin’s birthday on 12/4. From jinkissletsgo & Worldwide ARMY #jinkissletsgo #191204ArmyProject #HAPPYJINDAY
☄️20191204 JIN BIRTHDAY SUPPORT-TIMES SQUARE Advertising☄️ This year’s Jin birthday support idea is “ARMY” I hope Army can go there to celebrate Jin’s birthday on 12/4 00:00 a. m - Korea Time. From jinkissletsgo & Worldwide ARMY #jinkissletsgo #191204ArmyProject #HAPPYJINDAY
☄️Request for Video for 12.04 Jin Birthday☄️ Hello this is jinkissletsgo, this year's Jin birthday, the birthday support idea is “ARMY” I want Army to be a part of this support, and I hope you can help me to take a video. Please read below. #jinkissletsgo #191204ArmyProject