#FreeAndyLi Thanks Senator Rubio @SenRubioPress for speaking up! Andy Li, one of the #12HKyouths is charged with “colluding with foreign forces”. #FreeHKpoliticalprisoners twitter.com/SenRubioPress/…
The release of eight of #12HKyouths is a bittersweet moment for HK. Those returning have an uncertain future ahead, with some facing trial and jail under the National Security Law. It's a case of out of the frying pan, into the fire. Our statement 👇 hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2021…
One week left until the supposed release of Andy and 7 other of #12HKyouths detained in China after closed door trials. At their return to #HongKong which is ever more controlled by #CCP and their lapdogs, they will be going through the same ordeal again, this time for years. twitter.com/antielabhk/sta…
Latest crackdown on 11 Hong Kongers for aiding the #12HKyouths makes a mockery of previous claims that the National Security Law would only be used sparingly and in cases where there is a direct threat to security. Our view on the latest arrests. hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2021…
#BREAKING 12 #HongKong youths accused of illegal border crossing will go on trial in Yantian on Monday, according to the #12HKyouths concern group. They were allegedly trying to flee to Taiwan on boat when intercepted by Guangdong coastguard in August
For Andy and the #12HKyouths, it must've been a foreboding of endless harassment and unfair trials under a questionable legal system in #HK that would have taken away their free lives. They were fleeing from a place that's crumbling into a Orwellian police state. #save12hkyouths twitter.com/HK_diaries/sta…
An informative thread on condition in the detention centre where the #12HKyouths are held. Hint: it's not good. twitter.com/nikki_miumiu/s…
It's been 70 days since #AndyIsMissing. It is very worrying that we are still unable to reach #12HKyouths as there is no guarantee to their well-being while held by CCP as political prisoners. Please watch the video. Spread the word. #save12hkyouths #FreeAndyLi Bring them home. twitter.com/frances_hui/st…
Another victim of #NSL imposed by Beijing. The world needs to wake up & recognize that HK is ruled by an authoritarian regime. Freedom-fighters fear for personal safety & loss of freedom once targeted by the state. #12HKyouths were not alone in seeking asylum in the caged city. twitter.com/SBSNews/status…
So China's response to a global demand for the #12HKyouths to meet with their family-appointed lawyers is to take the lawyers out of the picture. Typical CCP approach to an issue - deal with the person who raised the question instead of the problem. #FreeAndyLi #save12HKyouths t.co/jYwVXf5l46
#Andyismissing for 59 days. It is almost 2 months since the #12HKyouths were taken away by the CCP into the unknown. 12 is not just a number. #save12hkyouths and #FreeAndyLi
#AndyIsMissing for 57 days. As we welcome back 'Grandma Wong' who was often seen at last year's protest scenes in #HongKong from her 14-month detention in China, we see a glimpse of what is likely happening to the disappeared #12HKyouths as she recounts her suffering including.. twitter.com/hkfp/status/13…
We also urge the international community to heed our call and pay close attention to the case of #12HKyouths. Voice out before it is too late. Your attention is their protection. #AndyIsMissing #save12hkyouths - Img: blossomium_illust (instagram) twitter.com/amnestyHK/stat…
Important question from @SKinnock raising three key asks for @FCDOGovUK: 1. What will the UK do for HKers born after 1997? 2. What assistance will the UK give to #12HKyouths? 3. It took the UK Govt only days to sanction Belarusian officials, what is causing the delay with HK?
“This is a fight for freedom itself,” says Benedict Rogers at Manchester for #12HKyouths youtu.be/YuUDMPFVllM #save12hkyouths
The more we look into the details the more evidence we see the HK govt is actively colluding with Chinese govt to get the #12HKyouths into CCP's hands. We still don't know when, where and how the boat disappeared from the world that day. #AndyIsMissing #save12hkyouths twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
More images illustrating the overlapping paths of the aircraft and the #12HKyouths' vessel. Credits to netizens. #AndyIsMissing #save12hkyouths twitter.com/YeungTea/statu…
Knowing that different parts of the world are keeping an eye on the plight of the #12HKyouths means a lot to us. We need the international community to stand by #HongKongers and #save12hkyouths twitter.com/tzmwm/status/1…
When China finally announced the arrest of #12HKyouths, they have already been detained for >1month yet no one has been able to make contact with them. It's very worrying that their basic rights for access to legal counsel has been repeatedly denied. theguardian.com/world/2020/sep…
Wanted: witness to the capture of the #12HKyouths twitter.com/ChuHoiDick/sta…
Executive councillor cum barrister Ronny Tong on the #12HKyouths: because the extradition bill wasn't amended last year amid the #antiELAB protests, the #HongKong government now has no authority to ask for the return of the 12 suspects from their mainland counterparts
#HongKong Govt says it’s not intervening in the actions of other jurisdictions with regards to #12HKyouths detained in Shenzhen for allegedly fleeing to #Taiwan on speedboat