Disturbing update. We are expected to believe that 6 of the #12HKYouths don’t want their family lawyers? And why hasn’t the location of all of them been disclosed? Something is going on. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
As the human rights situation gets worse by the day in #HongKong, we’ve been focusing on monitoring cases of arrests, campaigning for saving #12HKYouths, calling for a #UN special mechanism and we don’t stop there. Support us: bit.ly/2WzhlU5 #advocacy #campaign
Teen environmentalist @GretaThunberg joins global campaign demanding release of #12HKYouths. scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
If the #12HKYouths were not apprehended in Chinese waters, the PRC coastguard should not have arrested them. No surprise at all that HKSAR has been lying about it. Time to push hard on these details. hk.appledaily.com/news/20201006/…