📢 1 HOUR left for Alcohol-Free - Take a sip of your favorite drink because we will have an Alcohol-Free party tonight 🍹 Let's enjoy the Summer with our QUEEN 👸🍸 Focus on TWICE and TWICE only! 🥂 #TWICE_Alcohol_Free #트와이스의_사랑스러움에_취해 #AlcoholFree @JYPETWICE
[ TRENDING PARTY ] 📢 Use the new hashtags announced by TG and other fanbases now ONCEs! Reply with: ALCOHOL-FREE OUT NOW #TWICE_Alcohol_Free #트와이스의_사랑스러움에_취해 @JYPETWICE 🔒800 Reply 🔒400 RTs
[ TASTING CHALLENGE ] Alcohol-Free out SOON ONCEs! Let's hype it up with trending party! 🎯 1200 reply 🎯 500 retweet ALCOHOL-FREE OUT NOW #TWICE_Alcohol_Free #트와이스의_사랑스러움에_취해 @JYPETWICE
30 MINUTES left before Alcohol-Free 🍹 Go tune on the Alcohol-Free M/V premiere ONCEs! Don't forget to like and share to your friends! Let's get iittt!!!! 🥂 Alcohol-Free M/V 🔗 : youtu.be/XA2YEHn-A8Q #TWICE_Alcohol_Free #트와이스의_사랑스러움에_취해 @JYPETWICE
📢 Go to the Alcohol-Free M/V Premiere NOW ONCEs! Share it, like it, and comment on the video! "Alcohol-Free" M/V 🍹 youtu.be/XA2YEHn-A8Q ALCOHOL-FREE OUT NOW #TWICE_Alcohol_Free #트와이스의_사랑스러움에_취해 @JYPETWICE
🌎Twitter Worldwide Trending Topics: #2. #TWICE_Alcohol_Free #3. #트와이스의_사랑스러움에_취해 #5. #Alcohol_Free_Now #16 TZUYU #18 chaeyoung @JYPETWICE