"I took two cool practice videos too, I'll upload them one by one after the performances are out !" #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211224 Taeyong Bubble 🌹 "I received a lot of flowers during the concert so I've been finding flower arrangement ? fun" "I guess something like this" "I took a picture again of course ㅋㅋㅋㅋ" #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211224 Taeyong Bubble 🌹 "My plan is I'm thinking to go home, order barbecue, eat it with iced tea, check out if there's a Christmas edition in my game and watch a movie I want to watch" #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211224 Taeyong Bubble 🌹 "I hope everyone spend this Eve and Christmas cozily in a warm place, with a warm cocoa and electric heater !!!" #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211224 Taeyong Bubble 🌹 "Really because Christmas is coming that it really feels like it's the year-end" "I hope we became a big source of support and energy to (y/n) this past year and I hope we can give you more energy next year too" #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211224 Taeyong Bubble 🌹 "It's been a while !!!!" "Pre-recording just ended ㅎㅎ" "What was everyone up to ㅜㅜㅜㅜ" (cutely) *NCT had prerec for Gayo Daejun today! #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211218 Taeyong Bubble 🌹 "ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Everyone Be careful of the heavy snow, be careful when you're walking & everyone who's coming to today's show be careful too !!! See you soon" ktyongfs always bring out this photo every it snow 😆 #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211217 Taeyong Bubble 🌹 "I'm so happy today ㅎㅎㅎㅎ (cutely) The song is coming out and I can see Czennies and I can perform" #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211217 Taeyong Bubble 🌹 "It's a little chilly today so everyone be careful of the cold" "amino acid is coming out today ㅎㅎ" "It's a song that reminds you of summer but it's coming out in winter, even so that has a charm on its own too" #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211216 Taeyong Bubble 🌹 He sent a selfie! "hee" "Ah so that wasn't KANU jam it was Kaya Jam" " -nyway .... See you tomorrow everyone" "❤️" "Czennies Tyongranghae" I TYONG YOU 🥺💚 #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
툥랑해 💚💚💚 #툥블답장 #태용버블
"Do you want to see my dinner ?" "And yogurt banana with KANU jam added cinnamon powder added honey added coconut chips added kyakyakyakyakya" *KANU is a coffee brand, so Taeyong either wanted to say Kaya Jam or he's having coffee jam 🤔⁉️ #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211216 Taeyong Bubble 🌹 "I'm nervous" (cutely) "Deep breath *hu he hu he hu hae" "But Even the (seats) above can be seen well" "Guess we'll have to go the front a lot !!!!" "Do you want to see my dinner ?" *sound of deep breath #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
#태용버블 #툥블답장 용아 오늘도 너무너무너무 수고했고 고생했다 ㅠ 아프더라도 이렇게 좋은 무대 보여줘서 고마워 ㅠㅠㅠ 근데 아무래도 건강은 우선이니까 태용이가 많이 쉬고 충전하고 너무 힘들지 않았으면 해 ㅠ! 태용이가 늘 우리의 자부심이고 가장 소중한 아기 ㅠㅠㅠ 힘내하고 사랑해 ㅠ💚
get well soon taeyong ♡ #툥블답장 #태용버블
your health is our top priority!! get well soon taeyong #툥블답장 #태용버블
I hope you’re okay and healthy taeyong 🥺 #툥블답장 #태용버블
"My new friend" "Its name is Dig Dug" "Everyone, cheer up for Monday and layer up ~~~ I'll come back well too !!!!!" (cutely) he posted a photo of his plants! #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
"But as I fell asleep while waiting, it got uploaded & I wanted to upload onto Insta and say sorry on Bubble but Bubble .. was going through an update check ..." (cutely) "Mollaing" (I don't know but cutely) #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211206 Taeyong Bubble 🌹 "I was waiting to post on Insta after the track video was uploaded yesterday but ... I fell asleep" (cutely) #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211205 Taeyong Bubble 🌹 "If everyone goes to sleep I'll upload something fun tomorrow" #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
"If you're asking what kind of vibe it is" "Should I say it's something like this" "Taeli-hyung love you" He sent a photo of Taeil 😆 #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
"Anyway I like it really it's more meaningful because the members worked really. hard filming it. Everyone cheer up fighting there isn't much left of 2021, let's go !!!!!!" #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211205 Taeyong Bubble 🌹 "E-Earthquake" "How will the Earthquake that 127 is showing be like" "(Earthquake is) bad news but .... the song is really cool" "I like it ㅋㅋ" #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
211203 Taeyong Bubble 💚 "Tyong-pen the door ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Thank you everyone I love you really" "Open the door ~~~" "TY Track TY Track" "I love you all really really, let's finish up this year well too and really fly next year" "let's" #TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장