"The third one is a question I want to ask. My 'lovely' people, what is my nickname? Kkkkkkkkkkkk" #TEN #bubblelysn_ten #텐버블 #텐블리답장
"Second, I said that more than bugs, I'm more scared of ghosts. It is because you can run away from bugs, but I think ghosts will continue following me so it's more scary kkkk" #TEN #bubblelysn_ten #텐버블 #텐블리답장
200922 "Today's late night class is related to last time's quiz questions. First, the reason why I didn't write fruits as the food I dislike the most is because from the start, I never considered fruits as food." #TEN #bubblelysn_ten #텐버블 #텐블리답장