even the way he walks is so pretty, the way his hair was bouncing and his eyesmile 🥰 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
jumping over a puddle for his shoes 😆 looks like a little bear #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
another cam yay 😆 he's so cute #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
first mbc appearance- talked about his future roty speech if they won second mbc appearance- came back as roty 🥰 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
[210202] 유스케 출근 하트 받으세요 오빠 😭💜🔥 - #트레저 #최현석 #CHOIHYUNSUK #late_beside_you
[210202] 퇴근 수고했어요 💜🔥💜🔥 잘 자요 🤟🏻 - #트레저 #TREASURE #최현석 #CHOIHYUNSUK #late_beside_you
안녕 트메🥰오늘 하루동안 함께 해줘서 너무너무 고맙고 사랑해😍그냥 존재 자체만으로 힘이나ㅠㅠ💜🔥💜🔥많이 추우니까 밖에 오래 있지 말구 따뜻하게 껴입구 얼마 남지 않은 겨울동안 아프면 안돼! 웰커밍 컬렉션 때 사진인데 고마운 표현을 담아 선물해요 다들 잘자🥺🌌 #최현석 #CHOIHYUNSUK
[210202] 퇴근 눈이 많이 내렸으니 감기에주의하세영 🥺🥺🥺 - #트레저 #TREASURE #최현석 #하루토 #요시 #준규 #late_beside_you @treasuremembers
his little shaking he's so cute T_T #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
hyunsuk was chosen with the funniest laugh in the elle thailand interview 😆 his laugh is so unique, and different each time. it's so contagious ellethailand.com/content/elle-e… #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
all of their little giggles when doyoung whispered 'treasure' after the song was over 😆 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers