Filipino Admins will buy package chamsims, if you want to chipped in kahit piso lang go so that we can buy more! 😊 put "for jun" on the message so that we know its from huihuis 💕 thank you! If paypal, dm us. #JUN #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #文俊辉 #ジュン @pledis_17
Silent Boarding Gate has now surpassed 3 MILLION streams on Spotify!! It's his 3rd digital single (1st solo album) which landed 6 #1s on iTunes and charting in over 26 countries. 1/2 세븐틴 준 #세븐틴준 #JUN #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #文俊辉 #ジュン @pledis_17 promocards.byspotify.com/share/3c9812a1…
🚨 URGENT 🚨 IDOLCHAMP POLL UPDATE #JUN is back at second! Vote ruby chamsims for him now, carats / huihuis! 세븐틴 준 #세븐틴준 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #文俊辉 #ジュン @pledis_17 🔗: promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html…
🚨 URGENT 🚨 IDOLCHAMP POLL UPDATE #2 is catching up!! Please vote if you haven't yet and widen the gap! Refer to the guide below for collecting more rubies! 세븐틴 준 #세븐틴준 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #文俊辉 #ジュン @pledis_17 🔗: promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html…
Genius Korea 2021 Year-End Chart Top CHN-KOR Songs 6. Silent Boarding Gate 14. Warrior 15. Crow JUN got 2 + 1 (group ost) entries despite the songs being released early in the year with less than average promotions 세븐틴 준 #JUN #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #文俊辉 #ジュン @pledis_17
🚨 URGENT 🚨 IDOLCHAMP POLL UPDATE #JUN is First now but the gap is very less! Carats and huihuis, VOTE NOW and widen the gap!! 세븐틴 준 #세븐틴준 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #文俊辉 #ジュン @pledis_17 🔗: promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html…
🚨 URGENT 🚨 IDOLCHAMP POLL UPDATE AS OF 9:56 PM KST #JUN is back at second! Carats and huihuis, let’s take back the first place for him!! 세븐틴 준 #세븐틴준 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #文俊辉 #ジュン @pledis_17 🔗: promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html…
IDOLCHAMP POLL UPDATE as of 10AM KST #JUN is still leading! ✨ Special thanks to all huihuis who took an initiative to translate our ic tweets to their language. We are all in this together 🥺 🔗: promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… 세븐틴 준 #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #文俊辉 #ジュン @pledis_17
211127 독가동화 #준휘 도우인 업로드📂 링차오 .. 교복..에서 어엿한 성인..👊
IDOLCHAMP POLL UPDATE AS OF 2:10 PM KST #JUN is still at first! There’s still more days left, so continue voting your spare ruby chamsims for him! ♥️ 세븐틴 준 #세븐틴준 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #文俊辉 #ジュン @pledis_17 🔗: promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html…
MORE magazine #준휘 준이는 요리를 잘해서 멋있어! 준이는 밝은 이미지이지만 쿨한 부분도 있어서 멋있어요 (원우) 준이가 요리를 엄청 잘해요. 준이가 만들어준 중국요리를 몇 번이고 먹어봤는데 특히 계란부추볶음이 맛있었어요 (호시) 저에게 있어서 준이는 막내동생같은 매력이 있네요 (우지)
#JUN is now at first! Secure the lead and let’s get this ad for him, huihuis / carats! ♥️🌙 세븐틴 준 #세븐틴준 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #文俊辉 #ジュン @pledis_17 promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… twitter.com/JunPromoTeam/s…
211121 셀린느 웨이보 #준휘 업로드 📂 @문준휘가 새롭게 선보이는 셀린느 TEENNIGHTPOEM 한정라인 AVA 클러치입니다. 블랙톤에 조절 가능한 셀린느 로고 밴드로 유소년적인 매력을 표현해줍니다. 플라워 패턴의 울 카디건과 함께 신로맨스룩을 완성했다. 셀린옴므 CELINEBYHEDISLIMANE
History of JUN's Individual Male Idol Rankings 2021 and the brand reputation chart's headings explained. November is his highest rank and that's being having no promotional activities in South Korea! 😚✌️ 세븐틴 준 #세븐틴준 #JUN #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #文俊辉 #ジュン @pledis_17
November Brand Reputation Rankings for Individual Boy Group Members Jun is #29 Congratulations! Let's get a higher rank for him next months! 세븐틴 준 #세븐틴준 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #JUN #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #文俊辉 #ジュン @pledis_17
보컬팀이 생각하는 #준휘 수식어 “열정적인 노력가” 계속 연습한다구…
웨이보 #준 #준휘 ❤️❤️
211115 독가동화 웨이보 #준휘 업로드📂
도우인 #준 #준휘 ❤️❤️
211110 스매쉬 뽀뽀팀🖇(1) 파티 같이 준비하자~ #준휘 #디노 #호시 #디에잇
FOR JUN BRAND REPUTATION Who do you choose? Answer and reply with tags 🌙✨ 세븐틴 준 #세븐틴준 #JUN #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #文俊辉 #ジュン @pledis_17 JUN ACTOR JUN SINGER
211101 #준휘 웨이보 업로드 뭐야 광고??????
또 뒤에서 웃어…약간 살벌하게 웃는달까 #준휘
211030 成都CTU到达 It's already midnight to early morning, rest well everyone #JUN #文俊辉 #세븐틴준 #JUN #준 #문준휘 #준휘 #ジュン @pledis_17