[200429] NAVER | Happy news should be celebrated happily! Comments feature has been removed, so please leave a POSITIVE reaction on the latest news article regarding #CHEN's baby 💛 🔗 n.news.naver.com/entertain/now/… #첸 #종대 #김종대 #CongratulationsCHEN #종대야_축하해
Please report this negative hashtag that is trending in South Korea. Do NOT engage, just report as spam and keep using the positive hashtag. 👍 #첸 #종대 #김종대 #CongratulationsCHEN #종대야_축하해 @weareoneEXO
#JONGDAE, #종대야_축하해 (Chen, Congratulations) and #CHEN are trending #2, #3 and #4 respectively worldwide! Keep filling his searches with well wishes and lovely words! It's a precious day! 💛 #첸 #종대 #김종대 #CongratulationsCHEN #종대야_축하해 @weareoneEXO
#JONGDAE, #종대야_축하해 (Chen, Congratulations) and #CHEN are trending #2, #3 and #4 respectively worldwide! Keep filling his searches with well wishes and lovely words! It's a precious day! 💛 #첸 #종대 #김종대 #CongratulationsCHEN #종대야_축하해 @weareoneEXO
Congratulations to our Chennie Chen Chen for the new addition to his family 🎉 #CongratulationsCHEN #종대야_축하해 #EXO #CHEN @weareoneEXO
To:종대💗 From:첸바💗 #종대야_축하해
Congratulations Jongdae congratulations baby 🥳🥳🥳 #종대야_축하해 #CongratulationsCHEN
The way jongdae treats kids and little girls with so much love and care is so admirale he's gonna be the bestest dad ever #종대야_축하해 🥺💞
Congratulations Jongdae!🥺✨❤️ #종대야_축하해 #WelcomEXOPrincess #CHEN_BEST_DAD