[HASHTAGS ANNOUNCEMENT] Please help us clean the Korean trends and trend these hashtags for our Jongdae!💛 #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 (Let's walk with Jongdae). #종대_곁에_있을게 (I'll be by Jongdae's side). #종대를_믿어 (I believe in Jongdae). Please spread it!
Remember to go to Settings > Account > Country > South Korea. By doing this you will help the hashtags trend in Korea which is our target!💛 #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
Go to Settings > Account > Country > South Korea. This way you will be helping the hashtags to trend in Korea which is our main target right now! #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
Did you follow the steps and changed your country to South Korea? If you think using a VPN is necessary go for it as well! Let's work as hard as we can to get these trending💛 #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
Let's get these hashtags trending! Can we get 100 replies using the hashtags?💛 #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
We did an amazing job at getting 100 replies on the last tweet! Can we get 200 replies and 100 RTs on this one?🤭 Use the hashtags! #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
Great job, EXOLs and Soondingies! How about 300rts and 400 replies? 🥺🥺🥺 Use the hashtags! #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
[해시태그 공개] 우리 종대에 대한 트렌드를 정화할 수 있도록 도와주세요! 해시태그를 사용하여 트윗해주세요~ #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 (Let's walk with Jongdae). #종대_곁에_있을게 (I'll be by Jongdae's side). #종대를_믿어 (I believe in Jongdae).
EXO-Ls! Now we need for you to move onto the Lysn app and start spamming love words for Jongdae there💛 Send him as many messages as you can and report all the bad ways you may see! #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
Please remember that this is a HARMFUL hashtag! Do NOT engage! Do NOT use it! The way the number of tweets is increasing is alarming and it is all due to how misleading it is! Please spread awareness about it! #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
EXO-L, we are reminding you again to NOT engage with the hashtag that is currently trending in Korea right now. Please continue spreading awareness, and please use these positive hashtags for Jongdae instead: ❤️ #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
Do NOT engage! Do NOT click on the hashtag! Just report and keep using the hashtags we provided you with. #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
Please spread that if you have a lyns app you can report a comment. Just report and also keep using the hashtags we provided you with. #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
There is a banner going around Lysn app trying to mislead International fans to use it. This banner contains harmful words! Do not use it! Please only use banners and hashtags provided by official fanbases! Be careful!💛 #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
Attendance Check: Reply to which country are you from and use these hashtags. Also please keep in mind, only use banners and hashtags provided by official fanbases! Be careful!💛 #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
Before we proceed. Please change your location or region to South Korea. NOTE: To help in KOREAN TRENDS Settings ➡ Account ➡ Country ➡ South Korea We'll check 👀👀👀 Reply your ss and use these hashtag! #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어 @weareoneEXO
Naver trends have been cleaned!👏 But we still have work to do. Please report this hashtag and let's remove it from the Korean trends. #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어 @weareoneEXO
Again, there is a banner going around Lysn app trying to mislead International fans to use it. This banner contains harmful words! Do not use it! Please only use banners and hashtags provided by official fanbases! Be careful!💛 #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
Hello again, the banner below that we provided is a good one. You can use it when posting in lyns app and on twitter. Please only use banners and hashtags provided by official fanbases! Be careful!💛 #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어
Are you up for 100rts, 100 likes and 100 replies? Also, please only use banners and hashtags provided by official fanbases! Be careful!💛 #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대_곁에_있을게 #종대를_믿어