190511 チャヌパート🎵 ユニョンは戻るの忘れて前にずっといる🤣 @iKON_chan_w000 #KEMiSTRY #iKON #CHANWOO #CHAN #아이콘 #정찬우 #찬우 #チャヌ #ちゃぬ #찬우살이
Moreover, he wants to play the leading role. I want him to act in action movie. There was a choice of romance, but the action is good because fans may not like it 👏😂 #MyChillingRoommateInJP_DAY2 #同居人はイケメン幽霊 #CHANWOO #정찬우 #チャヌ #iKON @iKON_chan_w000 @YG_iKONIC
isnt today is the right time for you @yg_stage to post something about his project?!! D-14 to his movie release, but i didnt see your effort to promote your artist @YG_iKONIC @ygent_official #아이콘 #iKON #郑粲右 #BUTYOU #CHANWOO #찬우 #정찬우 #チャヌ #찬우카페 @iKON_chan_w000
[CHANSTAGRAM] #CHANWOO Instagram Story Update 250422 🔗 instagram.com/stories/chan_w… FLASHBACK TRACK LIST @iKON_chan_w000 @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘 #정찬우 #チャヌ
#아이콘 #iKON #CHANWOO #정찬우 #찬우 #チャヌ #JUNGCHANWOO 아이콘 정찬우 ‘시크함 폭발하는 올블랙’[포토엔HD] sns.newsen.com/news_view.php?…