📰 Tiffany Young, a member of the group Girls' Generation, successfully completed her first small screen debut, viewers also showed favorable reviews. xportsnews.com/article/1656548 #TiffanyYoung #티파니영 #티파니 #재벌집막내아들 #RebornRich #RebornRachel #young1
"봐주지 않아, 순양을 상대하는 일이니까." <재벌집 막내아들> 서민영 캐릭터 포스터 공개✨ 권력에도 굴하지 않고 맞서는 정의로운 검사 서민영! <재벌집 막내아들> 11월 18일 [금] 티빙에서 만나요! #티빙 #TVING #JTBC #재벌집막내아들 #송중기 #이성민 #신현빈
📰 Regarding the field she wants to challenge in the future, Tiffany said, "I want to try movies next time...My taste in movies seem to be lilttle darker." v.daum.net/v/202212281209… #TiffanyYoung #티파니영 #티파니 #재벌집막내아들 #RebornRich #RebornRachel #young1
Reliable Rachel will help you get your revenge 😈👩‍💻🤍 #TiffanyYoung #티파니영 #티파니 #재벌집막내아들 #RebornRich #RebornRachel #young1
📰 The character relationship of the 'youngest son of a conglomerate family'... Song Joong-ki, Park Ji-hyun and Tiffany's strange relationship m.newspic.kr/view.html?nid=… #TiffanyYoung #티파니영 #티파니 #재벌집막내아들 #RebornRich #RebornRachel #young1
Tiffany Young's name has been credited in #RebornRich's production company portfolio as part of the cast lineup. raemongraein.co.kr/works/portfoli… Beyond proud of you @tiffanyyoung! 👏🎉✨️ #TiffanyYoung #티파니영 #티파니 #재벌집막내아들 #young1
📰 Director Jeong Dae-yoon also cited the actors' sparking acting competition as the greatest charm of the work, "I also liked the serious yet comical acting that (Tiffany) Young showed.." m.joynews24.com/v/1538489 #TiffanyYoung #티파니영 #티파니 #재벌집막내아들 #RebornRich twitter.com/SNSD_0805/stat…
Melon Realtime Search #1 재벌집 막내아들 OST (+2) #재벌집막내아들 #ATEEZ #에이티즈 #종호 #JONGHO @ATEEZofficial
#RebornRich promotional video from VIU Hong Kong mentions Tiffany as Rachel as part of the supporting cast lineup (0.45s). #TiffanyYoung #티파니영 #티파니 #재벌집막내아들 @tiffanyyoung