@SMTOWNGLOBAL The announcement came as @SMTOWNGLOBAL's board of directors convened a meeting today. Align Partners, a private equity firm, which owns a 1.1 percent stake in SM "welcomed" the decision. Lee's position at SM will only remain as the "largest shareholder." #SMentertainment #이수만
.@SMTOWNGLOBAL announced Friday that it has decided to terminate a production license contract with Like Planning, a music production company wholly owned by its chief producer Lee Soo-man, on Dec. 31. #SMentertainment #LeeSooman #이수만
220827 SMCU SMTOWN SMT TOKYO DOME 東京ドーム 2022 #NCT #NCTDREAM #NCT127 #HAECHAN #해찬 #ヘチャン #이수만 #イスマン 해챠니와 수만잌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 챠나 슴콘도쿄 첫날 마아아니 수고했땃💗💗 남은 2일두 가보쟈구~~👍🏻💕
220827 SMTOWN LIVE in TOKYO ♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡ 우리 이수만 선생님이과 툥이ㅋㅋㅋ 귀엽죠🫶🏻💕 #이수만 #이태용 #태용 #툥 #テヨン #てよよ #leesuman #TAEYONG #tytrack
220827 SMTOWN LIVE in TOKYO ♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡ #winter #윈터 #에스파 #aespa #ウィンター #leesuman #イスマン #이수만
220626 OSAKA DAY2 이수만ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ #NCT #NCT127 #shotaro #ショウタロウ #イスマン #이수만
Future collaboration plans discussed include: -Creating a space in the #metaverse & real physical world for young individuals of the world to enjoy -Opening #SMTOWN_LIVE in #SaudiArabia -Producing video contents & festival events #이수만 #사우디팝 #S_Pop #Saudivision2030 #보아
이수만 총괄 프로듀서, 사우디아라비아 문화부 장관 만나 환담! Executive producer LEE SOOMAN sits down and talks with Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Culture Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al Saud! #LEESOOMAN #이수만 #사우디팝 #S_Pop #SMTOWN_LIVE #Saudivision2030 #SaudiArabia
Executive producer LEE SOOMAN visits SHINee ONEW who is currently taking part in the musical ‘Midnight Sun’! 💐 #LEESOOMAN #이수만 #ONEW #온유 #SHINee #샤이니 #Midnight_Sun #태양의노래 #SMTOWN #SMEntertainment
이수만 프로듀서, 온유 뮤지컬 '태양의 노래' 현장 응원 방문! 💐 Executive producer LEE SOOMAN visits SHINee ONEW who is currently taking part in the musical ‘Midnight Sun’! 💐 #LEESOOMAN #이수만 #ONEW #온유 #SHINee #샤이니 #Midnight_Sun #태양의노래 #SMTOWN #SMEntertainment
이수만 총괄 프로듀서, 美 스탠퍼드대 한국학 컨퍼런스 연설! ‘K-pop’s first mover’ LEE SOO MAN delivered a speech at Stanford University’s Korean Studies conference! bit.ly/3yUlYMX #LEESOOMAN #이수만 #SM #SMenetertainment
The SM Entertainment Square sign, honoring LEE SOO MAN’s pioneering work in making K-POP a global phenomenon, has officially been put up in the center of LA! #SMENTERTAINMENTSQUARE #이수만 #LEESOOMAN #SMTOWN #SM #SMentertainment
‘Founder of K-POP’ Producer #LEESOOMAN has been invited to speak at Stanford University’s Korean Studies conference, where he’ll be delivering a speech on the future of K-POP! #EXO’s #SUHO will also be attending to participate in a discussion panel! #이수만 #SM #SMentertainment
“LEE SOOMAN is the person who created the Korean popular music culture called K-Pop, and it was the time to know the insight that penetrated the entertainment industry” #LEESOOMAN #이수만 #SM #SMentertainment
SM Executive Producer #LEESOOMAN, panel discussion at WGS event, and Crown Prince of Dubai also watched! bit.ly/3tOzzCD SM Executive Producer LEE SOOMAN meets UAE Minister of Culture and Youth and shared a pleasant conversation! bit.ly/3DprNT1 #이수만 #SM
SM LEE SOOMAN producer’s special interview with 'Al Arabiya', a Middle East representative news channel. - Al Arabiya spotlights “LEE SOOMAN, the K-Pop Founder” #LEESOOMAN #이수만 #SM #SMenetertainment
이수만 총괄 프로듀서, 미국 대중문화 매거진 ‘버라이어티’가 선정한 전 세계 미디어 산업을 이끄는 가장 영향력 있는 리더 500인 ‘버라이어티 500’, 한국인 유일 5년 연속 선정! “전 세계 음악 산업의 주역” “선두적인 K팝 레이블 SM의 창립자” #이수만 #SOOMANLEE #Variety #Variety500
이수만 프로듀서 “한국은 세계적인 문화 강국이자 얼리어답터의 나라, 메타버스 시장 이끌 것” Producer SOOMAN LEE “Korea is the country of early adopters & a cultural powerhouse, it will lead the metaverse market” naver.me/G8UTqqnW #이수만 #SOOMANLEE #SMEntertainment #SMTOWN
(선공개)'K-POP 선구자' 이수만 총괄 프로듀서의 트렌드 읽는 비결!#월간커넥트 | Monthly Connect EP.2 👉 youtu.be/maHWOkYZmbA #이수만 #SOOMANLEE #SMEntertainment #월간커넥트 #MonthlyConnect
K-POP 성공 신화! 이수만 총괄 프로듀서 랜선 인터뷰|"미래는 AI와 셀럽의 세상"#월간커넥트 | Monthly Connect EP.2 👉youtu.be/uLlbVaVMmSw #이수만 #SOOMANLEE #SMEntertainment #월간커넥트 #MonthlyConnect
Producer #SOOMANLEE receives K-Pop Contribution of the Year award at #GaonChartMusicAwards “I will continue to make innovative efforts to spread K-Pop” #이수만 총괄 프로듀서 2021 #가온차트 K팝 공헌상 수상 "새로운 것 시도해 K팝 알릴 것" 👉🏻naver.me/5jAPWLaP #SMEntertainment
SMTOWN LIVE "Culture Humanity" Intro|Be kind, Be humble and Be the love 🎬 youtu.be/PL-AA6wSUGk #SMTOWN_LIVE_Culture_Humanity #SMTOWN_LIVE #SMTOWN #SOOMANLEE #이수만
Executive Producer Soo-Man Lee, Only Korean to make America’s ‘Variety500’ for 4 Consecutive Years! “The pathfinder for contemporary K-POP” remains highly influential as the “father of K-POP” #SMEntertainment #이수만 #SOOMANLEE