1119 FOREVER1 영통 소녀시대 윤아🦌 去年のユナセンパのお礼をやっと直接伝えられた…! "これ覚えてる?"って聞いたら"あっ、私の誕生日の時の!"って気付いてくれて、"私が作ったんだよ"って伝えたら"こうやって会えたね、また会ったね"って言ってくれたの嬉しすぎた🥹💕 #소녀시대 #윤아 #Yoona twitter.com/yst_lover0805_…
1119 FOREVER1 영통 소녀시대 윤아🦌 最後の最後に"앞로도 영원히 소원이에요(これからもずっとSONEです)“って伝えたら日本語で"これからもずっとSONEしてください!"って…🥹💗 そしてハートしながらユナお得意の舌ペロで終わって…ほんとに幸せな時間だった!💖 #소녀시대 #윤아 #Yoona #GG4EVA
221119 YoonA - Forever1 Online Fansign cr 幽恋红 OP told YoonA that her birthday is coming and YoonA wished her happy birthday! When OP asked her about the year end MC thing, she put her finger on her lips, saying its a secret m.weibo.cn/status/4837693… #YoonA #윤아
160724 红豆 #yoona #윤아 🔗: youtu.be/dbGeRACoRn0
Awwww so cute how YoonA met OP's daughter and son and YoonA went 'kawaii~' upon seeing them 🥰 #YoonA #윤아 twitter.com/snsdrina/statu…
221119 YoonA - Forever1 Online Fansign cr 小吃货别躲 YoonA remembered OP & said "Really long time no see!" OP must also have told her something good that happened for her & YoonA gasped and clapped and wrote "gong xi ni" (congrats to you) m.weibo.cn/detail/4837834… #YoonA #윤아
221119 YoonA - Forever1 Online Fansign cr alwaysyoonal Full 2:40mins: m.weibo.cn/detail/4837809… #YoonA #윤아 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
OP asked YoonA if she has been listening to Chinese songs and YoonA asked her for recommendation OP: When The Wind Blows 🦌: Ah! that, that singer is beautiful right😂 OP: Yes x3! So beautiful & sing so well! 🦌: You are good hahaha🤣 I love YoonA's sense!🤭 #YoonA #윤아
221119 YoonA - Forever1 Online Fansign cr 我喜欢林允儿跳舞的样子_lim m.weibo.cn/detail/4837651… m.weibo.cn/detail/4837627… #YoonA #윤아 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Video version: YoonA: Ahh MC.... that's a secret~ Wait a little bit ☺️ I wish to go to 10 years, this year will be the 8th year (So YoonA did not rem the no. of years as MBC Gayo MC wrongly but OP wrote wrongly in her previous post haha) #YoonA #윤아 twitter.com/mystarmyangel/…
Seem like YoonA really love the magic trick (flicking the heart out) that OP did for her hahaha the way she laughed, its the kind of stuff she would like lol 🤣 #YoonA #윤아
[221121-LIMYOONA__OFFICIAL] _ 11월 넷째 주 위클리융📋 #임윤아 #LIMYOONA  #limyoona__official #융스타그램 #위클리융 [TRANS] Weekly Yoong for 4th week of Nov📋 25 Nov 8.30pm: The 43rd Blue Dragon Film Awards scontent.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/… instagram.com/p/ClNGD2GviJX/ #YoonA #윤아
221119 YoonA - Forever1 Online Fansign cr CoupSYoonA Full 2:34 mins: m.weibo.cn/status/MfWojqB… #YoonA #윤아 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
[RUMOUR] Not sure what is the source and how legit it is but according to this rumour, YoonA will be the voice actress for the anime film adaptation of manhwa 'The Ruler of The Land' The role YoonA will be voice acting as is the main female protagonist Dam Hwa Rin #YoonA #윤아 twitter.com/ssloveloveww/s…
[221124-YOONGSTAGRAM CAROUSEL] 피부광채🤍🤍🤍 #리뉴쿠션 으로 정착 @/esteelauderkr [TRANS] Skin glow 🤍🤍🤍 Setting in with #ReNutrivCushion @/esteelauderkr instagram.fsin10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/… instagram.fsin10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/… instagram.com/p/ClVeyVSBlHb/ #YoonA #윤아
221124 YoonA - Hyundai Duty Free x Vogue Korea ‘Warm Wishes' campaign - Winter pictorial promo pic cr hddfs.official With Rae-O!!!! instagram.fsin10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/… instagram.com/p/ClVhcVDL69r/ #YoonA #윤아
221124 YoonA with Rae-O & Jung Hae In - Hyundai Duty Free x Vogue Korea ‘Warm Wishes' campaign - Winter pictorial promo video cr hddfs.official scontent.cdninstagram.com/v/t50.2886-16/… instagram.com/p/ClVhcVDL69r/ youtube.com/watch?v=ZMIns6… #YoonA #윤아
Just Rae-O featuring in his mum's work 🥰🥰🥰 #YoonA #윤아
[STREAMS] 221125 YoonA - The 43rd Blue Dragon Film Awards Red Carpet 7.20pm KST 🔗 youtube.com/watch?v=iW7-7o… 🔗youtube.com/watch?v=zOAJo7… Awards Ceremony 8.30pm KST 🔗youtube.com/watch?v=HPC2Sp… 🔗youtube.com/watch?v=LRjghq… #YoonA #윤아 #임윤아
221125 YoonA - The 43rd Blue Dragon Film Awards red carpet #YoonA #윤아 #임윤아
221125 YoonA - The 43rd Blue Dragon Film Awards red carpet by Press (1) Princess! 🥰🥰🥰 #YoonA #윤아 #임윤아
221126 청룡영화상 #윤아 #임윤아 #YOONA #LIMYOONA
221125 YoonA - The 43rd Blue Dragon Film Awards red carpet by Press (2) #YoonA #윤아 #임윤아