[Pre-Release] 220805 YoonA's Tears~ An emotional drunken performance 🍻 youtube.com/watch?v=uvRMA6… The thumbnail hahaha 😂 why is my girl so embarassing hahaahhahaaha 😂😂😂 #YoonA #윤아
YoonA is destroying her image and Taeyeon tried to protect it but YoonA be like nope don't stop me my passion for the song is burning 🔥😂 She really give her all on variety shows lol #YoonA #윤아
No, but she is really drunk I believe HAHAHA #YoonA #윤아
To be fair, YoonA started the song really well until the end where she just throw her image and make the show even funnier. She is probably the only visual in kpop that is like this 😂😂😂 #YoonA #윤아
[220805-LIMYOONA__OFFICIAL #2] _ MBC 드라마 <빅마우스> 열일하는 미호와 오늘 3회에서 만나융💖 #빅마우스 #The_Big_Mouth #고미호 #임윤아 #LIMYOONA #limyoona__official #융스타그램 instagram.fsin10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/… instagram.com/p/Cg4BltlPFM1/ #YoonA #윤아 #BigMouth
220805 YoonA is trending on twitter with 90K tweets 🔥 #YoonA #윤아
So pretty YoonA ya 😍 #YoonA #윤아
220805 #BigMouthEp3 real time tv rating reaches 17.83% (peak)!! +2.44 % from previous ep *note: this is real time so not the actual rating and usually actual rating is estimated to be about 1/2 of real time rating~ #YoonA #윤아 #LeeJongSuk #빅마우스 #임윤아
Distracted by YoonA's beauty again 😂😂😂 #YoonA #윤아
So after embarrassing fans on #AmazingSaturday pre release cut earlier on, SooNa is on a mission to embarrass us further on next week ep of #TheGameCaterers2 too lol the chaotic duo 😂😂😂 #YoonA #윤아 #Sooyoung
When prosecutor starts probing unnecessary into her and Changho private life, Miho was like 'don't you want to know our first kiss? Or why don't you ask when we first slept together?' SAVAGE QUEEN #YoonA #윤아 #LeeJongSuk #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth #BigMouthEp3
I love YoonA's drunk acting here & also her 'fall out of love' portrayal here is superb good esp the part where she tried to act cool by saying she dump the guy & then avoiding eye contact because she was pretending to be ok #YoonA #윤아 #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth #BigMouthEp3
This scene is just so sweet, how Miho pouring her heart out to Changho and then when she was about to vomit, she was like 'don't you look at me I will kill you if you do' 🤣 #YoonA #윤아 #LeeJongSuk #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth #BigMouthEp3
My heart melted when Changho asked Miho if she wanted to go out with him and to forget that guy, he will do better than him. But then I cracked up when Miho was like 'but he is much better looking' 😂 #YoonA #윤아 #LeeJongSuk #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth #BigMouthEp3
I will never shut up on how beautiful this scene was filmed. The falling snow just make the atmosphere even better 🥺🥺🥺 #YoonA #윤아 #LeeJongSuk #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth #BigMouthEp3
Miho who will quietly shed tears only when she is alone 🥺🥺🥺 #YoonA #윤아 #LeeJongSuk #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth #BigMouthEp3
Best husband and wife award goes to them 😭😭😭 I love how although this drama isn't focused on romance but yet the ultimate driving force is because of love (family) too #YoonA #윤아 #LeeJongSuk #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth #BigMouthEp3
Lastly, I really want to compliment on how well YoonA fits her role as a nurse. It is as if this is her profession right from the start 💖 she fits it like a glove 🥺 #YoonA #윤아 #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth #BigMouthEp3
220805 #BigMouth Ep 3 AGB National rating - 7.6% (🔺️1.5%) AGB Seoul rating - 8.1% (🔺️1.7%) 👍👍👍 highest rating for the drama so far! #YoonA #윤아 #BigMouthEp3 #빅마우스 #임윤아 #LeeJongSuk
220806 YoonA is trending with more than 120K tweets and #BigMouthEp3 is still trending too! #YoonA #윤아 #BigMouth #빅마우스 #임윤아 #LeeJongSuk
[220806-LIMYOONA__OFFICIAL]_ 융튜브 업로드▶️ 짜란다 짜란다 엠씨융👏🏻💕 제1회 청룡시리즈어워즈 비하인드 #임윤아 #LIMYOONA #limyoona__official #융스타그램 #융튜브 #융하인드 #청룡시리즈어워즈 instagram.fsin10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/… instagram.com/p/Cg5vUaTPnuW/ #YoonA #윤아
She so cute with casual outfit 💕 youtube.com/watch?v=Jg5Kyc… #YoonA #윤아
Yoongphrodite 😍😍😍 youtube.com/watch?v=Jg5Kyc… #YoonA #윤아