preview of wang yibo and wang leehom’s collaboration stage 《龙的传人》 from the rehearsals!!! — wlh: he even told me that he grew up listening to my songs. i thought omg, i asked him how old he was & he said 23. so he wasn’t even born when i debuted #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
210301/ Swarovski weibo update #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博
210520 ↬ YIBO Official weibo update summer is here, no.85 racer wang yibo and everyone should drink more water~ [1/3] #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
wang yibo’s comment on uniq’s fancafe back in 2015: “dyed hair seems to be really pretty, but can you remove saying that it’s cute? it would be nice to just say that it’s handsome / cool keke thank you~” #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
210813 ↬ YIBO Official weibo update wang yibo for street dance of china 4! 🔥 [1/3] #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
wang yibo’s new advertisement for EVISU!!! 🤩 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
VogueMe China features Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan as celebs who pull off the wet hairstyle that is “casual, sexy and seductive” 😉😛🥵 #XiaoZhan #肖战 #肖戰 #シャオ・ジャン #เซียวจ้าน #샤오잔 #Yibo #WangYibo #王一博 #ワンイーボー #หวังอี้ป๋อ #왕이보 #一战 #YiZhan #博君一肖 #BJYX
DDU weibo update: Yibo unlocks new character “3rd Young Master of Tan Zhou” (Tan Zhou is the name of ancient Hunan) #Yibo #WangYibo #王一博 #ワンイーボー #หวังอี้ป๋อ #왕이보
i’m crying 😭😭😭 the accident caused the recurrence of an old injury to yibo’s right ankle 😭😭 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
tony leung: this is with yibo. i have a few scenes in #无名 / #hiddenblade with yibo, although it is not a lot. he is also a very hardworking actor and is also very diligent. even if there’s no scenes for him, he will sit there and watch #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
210810 ↬ YIBO Official weibo update behind the scenes is here 😋 《meeting 一豹 yi bao》 person: captain wang yibo 🐆 time: now location: under the sun in the afternoon ☀️ secret code: 一波王炸 (yi bo wang zha) #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
Has anyone seen this before 😌 #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博
yibo singing 宝可梦 and 喜洋洋!!!! he’s so cute 🥺🥰 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
a little preview of yibo’s performance for 春晚! so this is the “cute little animals” 😂 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
210205/ QQ MUSIC WEIBO UPDATE Wang Yibo’s 青春恰时来(Youth Comes at the right time) is now available on QQ Music come listen now #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博
behind the scenes of yibo’s photoshoot for 和平精英 (game for peace) #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
translation thread 📖 — 《VogueFilm》 Autumn Winter Issue | ❝ wang yibo: multiple identities ❞ #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
210805 ↬ YIBO Official weibo update the behind the scenes is here~ do what you want to do, your life is in your own hands! 24 years old wang yibo, happy growing up 💚 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
yibo: so this is actually like that... 😅 magician: you really believed that there’s magic in this world, right? 😂 yibo: i’m so silly 😂😅 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
“what you need to do is to kick this door and shout. an angry roar. and all the “cyborgs” will angrily roar with you yibo: aaa (baby roar) “try it again, an angry roar” yibo: i will shout it out later, don’t worry. aaaa #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
wang yibo with wbg!!! good luck for the game later!!! #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
Yang di: did you wear any red clothes since it’s ox year Yibo: yup I did it’s inside (pointing to his underwear) HAHAHAHAH #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博
[230325 Weibo @ Watermelon_王一博西瓜籽圆啵] 【ENG SUB】Weibo Night 2022, Wang Yibo on the stage for his award #WangYibo_WeiboNight2022 #王一博 #WangYibo王一博 #WangYibo #왕이보 #ワンイーボー #VươngNhấtBác #หวังอี้ป๋อ #ВанИбо