wang yibo putting on the chinese / peking opera makeup!!!! he’s so handsome 😭😭😭 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
[ENG SUB] Wang Yibo's Radio Channel: Love is Company EP97. Can you believe the easiest way to lose weight is … #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博 #หวังอี้ป๋อ
210602 ↬ YIBO Official weibo update outside the door of light, the confrontation between the virtual and the real. dare to think, dare to fight, be the realest me! [1/2] #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
wang han: wang yibo you can experience it guest: wang yibo is quite suitable for it. although he is young, but he’s quite tired, doesn’t have enough sleep 😭😭😭 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
magician wang yibo’s magic performance 🪄 [1/2] he’s so amazing!!! 🤩 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
210203 ↬ YIBO Official weibo update 『立春“谢”礼』 here comes the grey fur collar cloak that you all want! 《legend of fei》 officially ends tonight for the non-vip members. this time is really saying goodbye~ #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
[230115 @ Hunan TV] 【ENG SUB】Performance of Wuming on the stage of Hunan TV Spring Festival Gala. #WangYibo_HiddenBlade #王一博 #WangYibo王一博 #WangYibo #왕이보 #ワンイーボー #VươngNhấtBác #หวังอี้ป๋อ #ВанИбо
[230124 Weibo @ 北京日报] 【ENG SUB】Check out what Yu Dong, Chief Producer of Hidden Blade, had to say about Wang Yibo. #WangYibo_HiddenBlade #王一博 #WangYibo王一博 #WangYibo #왕이보 #ワンイーボー #VươngNhấtBác #หวังอี้ป๋อ #ВанИбо
new wang yibo song coming out tomorrow 《炙热的梦》 — paying tribute to the firefighters in china! #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
210802 ↬ street dance of china (这!就是街舞) weibo update cool panther is out ⚠️ fight hard! captain wang yibo 「一波王炸」 (yi bo wang zha) continues to explode the scene! #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
201218 ↬ 有翡 (legend of fei) weibo update # legend of fei drama stills # 此生不向红尘去,人间少你一段诗。 江湖之大,与你相遇是最大的幸运。 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
201210 ↬ 有翡 (legend of fei) weibo update 口不对心都是玩笑,嬉笑落笔皆成温柔。 the first preview in december is here 🤩 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
G: he’s really gentle/ kind , he won’t shout at us when we do the actions wrongly. He will talk to us nicely 🥺” Yibo: i will hold you and let’s get up slowly okay Yibo: let’s continue to practice this okay 🥺🥺🥺 #DDU_0221_WYBSG #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博
220909 ↬ movie #长空之王 (#borntofly) douyin update wang yibo exercising in the behind the scenes of born to fly #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
[221002 YOUKU @ 这就是街舞] 【ENG SUB】SDC5 x Wang Yibo Behind-the-scenes Captain Wang Yibo’s Dear SDC Diary, Chapter 6, Part Four #王一博 #WangYibo王一博 #WangYibo #CaptainYiboSDC5 #왕이보 #ワンイーボー #VươngNhấtBác #หวังอี้ป๋อ #ВанИбо
210312 ↬ YIBO Official weibo update in the afternoon, the sun leaps and flows, meeting unexpectedly at the quite corridor. capture the moment, the story begins now 😎 # wang yibo joins 上线吧!华彩少年 bravo youngsters # [1/3] #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
Best Artist in Asia Pacific 🥇Congrats to Xiao Zhan & Wang Yibo consecutively winning the champion title for [The Untamed]! 2nd— #XiaoZhan [Oath of Love] 5th— #WangYibo [Legend of Fei] #肖战 #เซียวจ้าน #샤오잔 #王一博 #หวังอี้ป๋อ #왕이보 #一战 #YiZhan #博君一肖 #BJYX
[ENG SUB] Wang Yibo's Radio Channel: Love is Company EP83. Eating lychees may be considered as “drunk driving”? #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博 #หวังอี้ป๋อ
221215 ↬ YIBO Official weibo update wang yibo for GQ MOTY 2022 [1/3] #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
[230323 WeChat @ 凤凰网读书] 【ENG SUB】Check out what Director Cheng Er had to say about some of the actors in Hidden Blade, especially Wang Yibo, in an interview with book.ifeng.com #HiddenBlade #WangYibo_HiddenBlade #王一博 #WangYibo王一博 #WangYibo #왕이보twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
221230 ↬ yibo official weibo update 「moving cover」 time changes like petals falling gently, taking away all the troubles and loneliness. start again, this time, enjoy the rain and dew to the fullest, grow freely, like the sun ☀️ #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
[ENG SUB] Wang Yibo's Radio Channel: Love is Company EP90. Why is Dead Sea known as this name ? 🌊 #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博 #หวังอี้ป๋อ
[230226 Weibo @ FIRST青年电影展] Two poems by Poet Li Mo, a wonderful finishing touch to the journey of All Tomorrow’s Parties. #WangYibo_AllTomorrowsParties #王一博 #WangYibo王一博 #WangYibo #왕이보 #ワンイーボー #VươngNhấtBác #หวังอี้ป๋อ #ВанИбо
210314/ CSX Departure Cr:Dreamcatcher #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博