question: what do you like to do when you rest? A — play games B — watch dramas mc: wow yibo, you chose to play games yibo: wow how surprising 😂 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
2020 tencent starlight awards (腾讯视频星光大赏) wang yibo — 《熹微》 (xiwei) [1/2] #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
congratulations to wang yibo for receiving the honour of 【douyin male god】 and 【all-rounder artiste of the year】 at 2020 抖音星动之夜 (douyin stars night) today 🥰 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
wang leehom: 1999. (to yibo) you were just born right? yibo: two years old… 🥰 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
210312/ daydayup weibo update Baby! ! #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博
201208 ↬ 有翡 (legend of fei) weibo update those born before the dawn must be the luckiest, spending their whole life watching the sky light up bit by bit #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
team wang yibo’s introduction: 一波王炸 嘶 boom! #CaptainYiboSDC4 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
220527 ↬ movie 热烈 (one and only) douyin update yibo: it’s not youth that’s enthusiastic, it’s us #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
special behind the scenes video of 理想照耀中国 (faith makes great) — 《抉择》 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
210228 ↬ YIBO Official douyin update from a prince to a domineering ceo 😎 (behind the scenes of yibo’s photoshoot for weibo night 微博之夜) #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
[ENG SUB] Wang Yibo's Radio Channel: Love is Company EP87. Why do whales blow? 🐳 #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博 #หวังอี้ป๋อ
wang yibo’s new song 《山河星光》 for national day ✨[1/2] #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
210214/ Shu Uemura weibo update I have prepared for you the Shu Uemura Asian makeup box. Come and give it a try! #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博
Yan Jing beer ad featuring Yibo promoting for winter olympics! #Yibo #WangYibo #王一博 #ワンイーボー #หวังอี้ป๋อ #왕이보
choosing a npc: yibo: where is the brightest? staff: the “cyborg” is at the brightest place yibo: so the “cyborg” is at the brightest place? staff: yes! yibo: then i want to go to the brightest place 🥰 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
wang yibo for shu uemura’s eye shadow!! 💚 #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
210308/ 春晚weibo update Hello everyone I’m bravo youngster’s offline officer(mentor) Wang Yibo. All the best to young adults that have artistic innovations with the love of Chinese culture. See you on Bravo Youngsters! #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博
Yibo Official weibo [Just Like the Sunlight] Winter will pass, the fallen leaves give way to new branches; We'll meet, just like how the world is as always. Awake like the sunlight, embrace life and let it blossom☀️ #WangYibo #王一博 #หวังอี้ป๋อ #왕이보 #WangYibo_6thSingle
210626 ↬ YIBO Official weibo update young actor wang yibo participated in CCTV 《百年礼赞——庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大型交响音诗画》 special programme, performing the classic old song 《年轻的朋友来相会》 tonight 19:00 CCTV3 [1/2] #WangYibo #王一博 #왕이보
Baby’s 5 shots with the fortune god KKK #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博
151111 유니크 인스타 수능 응원 안녕하세요. 저는 이보입니다. 내일 수능 잘보세요. 그리고 감기 조심하세요. 화이팅!! #王一博 #왕이보 #WangYibo
210316/ Bravo Youngsters Onset diary douyin update Here’s a cute baby Yibo to cheer you up~ #wangyibo #왕이보 #王一博