우리 찬우야 귀여웠어요🤭 영화 개봉 축하해요🥹🫰🏻 #정찬우 #チョンチャヌ #오싹한동거 #同居人はイケメン幽霊 #iKON #CHAN #チャヌ
[IG] #CHANWOO 's co-actor Instagram Story Update 160622 @.hoo1105_ 이쁜 사람들과 이쁜 추억✨ 🔗 instagram.com/p/Ce3IbNQPaXc/… @iKON_chan_w000 @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘 #정찬우 #チャヌ #鄭粲右 #오싹한동거
For International iKONICS, #MyChillingRoommate Movie with english sub is now available on VIKI app! Make sure to use VPN and change the country to US for it to be available in your app. 🔗viki.com/movies/38671c-… #오싹한동거 #정찬우 #CHANWOO @iKON_chan_w000 @YG_iKONIC
[🎬]My Chilling Roommate platforms iKONICS, reply below with your country and platform where the movie is available ! MyChillingRoommate NOW SHOWING #오싹한동거 #정찬우 #CHANWOO @iKON_chan_w000
오싹한동거 찬우야 너무 멋있다🥹🥹 @iKON_chan_w000 #iKON  #CHANWOO #CHAN #아이콘  #정찬우 #찬우 #チャヌ #오싹한동거
if the poster is true so this is for the event Left : Dojima river, Osaka (27 Aug 2022) Right : Ebis303, Tokyo (28 Aug 2022) Actor Jung Chanwoo is Coming to town 😭 #아이콘 #iKON #郑粲右 #MyChillingRoommate #CHANWOO #오싹한동거 #정찬우 #チャヌ #찬우카페 | @iKON_chan_w000