There’s so much that the company didn’t promote Sehun. For example, Sehun being SomeByMi’s new muse. SomeByMi has been constantly tagging @weareoneEXO in their tweets whenever Sehun is included. But where’s the promo from his company? 🙂 #에쎔_아티스트차별대우_그만 @SMTOWNGLOBAL
Sehun has been working hard on his projects no matter what seasons it is, no matter rain or shine, the very least the company can do is to promote him properly as their artist. Seems like they can’t even do this simple job. #에쎔_아티스트차별대우_그만 @weareoneEXO @SMTOWNGLOBAL
Sehun is your artist too! What is stopping you from promoting him? #에쎔_아티스트차별대우_그만 @weareoneEXO @SMTOWNGLOBAL