2020 Year End Gaon Chart Rankings Streaming Chart 5. Blueming (2019) 6. Eight (Prod&Feat Suga) 15. Give You My Heart 22. Love Poem (2019) 70. Into the iLand 95. Through the Night (2017) 123. Above Time (2019) #IU #아이유
[LIVE STREAM] IU - 35th Golden Disc Awards on Jan 9, 3:50PM KST Official links (with eng subs) for Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Thailand & North & Latin America: goldendisc.co.kr/m/en/notice/no… Unofficial links for other countries: twitter.com/ijieunal/statu… #IU #아이유
[UPDATE] 210109 IU at the 35th Golden Disc Awards red carpet entertain.v.daum.net/v/202101091611… #IU #아이유 #GDA2021
[UPDATE] 210109 More press photos of IU at the 35th Golden Disc Awards red carpet #IU #아이유 #GDA2021 isplus.live.joins.com/news/article/a…
[UPDATE] 210109 Congratulations to IU (@_IUofficial) for winning Best Digital Song (Bonsang) with Blueming at the 35th Golden Disc Awards (digital division) #IU #아이유
[TRANS] 210109 IU (아이유) - Best Digital Song (Bonsang) Award Acceptance speech at the 35th Golden Disc Awards “I’m currently working on my new album and I think I’ll be able to drop it this year and let everyone listen to some new music....” #IU #아이유 twitter.com/IUmushimushi/s…
[UPDATE] 210109 Congratulations to IU (@_IUofficial) for winning Daesang (Grand Prize) with Blueming at the 35th Golden Disc Awards (digital division) 💞 #IU #아이유 #GDA2021
[TRANS] 210109 IU (아이유) - Daesang (Grand Prize) Award Acceptance speech at the 35th Golden Disc Awards “I’ll let those who are barely holding on and mentally exhausted to hear some music that are energizing and full of sincerity....” #IU #아이유 twitter.com/Ueana_Kira/sta…
[NEWS] IU to release a pre-release song ahead of her 5th full studio album on Jan. 27 The song is said to have a bright and upbeat pop sound and a new style that IU will be trying for the first time #IU #아이유 naver.me/FS6WtAk2
[TRANS] 210111 Article: Behind-the-Scenes of the 35th Golden Disc Awards - The Production Team Are UAENAs Too “Every moment of IU was greeted by smiles and applause...” #IU #아이유 naver.me/5GyZX8PU
아이유 정규 5집 선공개 <Celebrity> #IU5ISCOMING #IU #아이유
★1타 여자솔로가수★ #아이유(#IU) 직강 블루밍 응원법💙 #막_찍어도_화보 #강한나의볼륨을높여요 #강한나 #볼륨을높여요
[UPDATE] 210124 Congratulations to IU for winning IDOL CHAMP Fan’s Pick Solo at the 2020 APAN Music Awards 🎉 #IU #아이유 twitter.com/hi___atti/stat…
[Teaser] #IU (#아이유) - Celebrity MV Teaser
[TRANS] IU 4th Official UAENA Fanclub Kit - MAGAJIEUN Contents 🤍 Interview I - Actress, Lee Jieun Interview II - Singer, IU Interview III - Human, Lee Jieun IUAENA Poem - IU TEAM ver. IUAENA Poem - UAENA ver. READ HERE: iu-jjang.tumblr.com/post/641374581… #IU #아이유 #UAENA
[MV] #IU (#아이유) - Celebrity ▶ youtu.be/0-q1KafFCLU
[TRANS] IU 5th Full-Length Album Pre-Release Track <Celebrity> Introduction “Including my friend, I want to tell those who were born unpolished yet unique. You’re not eccentric but someone who is a star.” Source: kko.to/qWPM5YvDo #IU #아이유 #Celebrity
[Eng Sub][SG♥IU/IUTSC] 210127 아이유 IU - Celebrity Special Clip Teaser Who's your Celebrity? IU Special Clip Teaser! #IU #아이유 #아이유_Celebrity_6시발매 facebook.com/sgheartiu/post…
私があいゆちゃんを大好きな理由の1つ。台湾でコンサートをした時にアンコールで歌って欲しい曲を聞く時に、最前列にいた昔からIUの事を好きだったお爺さんの為にわざわざ舞台下まで降りてきて写真も撮ってあげる優しさ😭本当に容姿だけじゃなくて心まで綺麗なんだよね。。#IU_celebrity #IU #아이유
별처럼 빛나는 아이유의 'Celebrity' 스페셜클립💎 완벽한 라이브🌟 비쥬얼🌟 댄스까지🌟 역시 원앤온리 우주최고 셀러브리티💜 '이 지금' 보러오세요! ▶ youtu.be/JtFI8dtPvxI #아이유 #IU #Celebrity #셀러브리티 #SpecialClip @_IUofficial
말이 필요없는 킹갓 #아이유 #스페셜클립 셀카 도착!👑 가만히 있어도 자체발광하는 갓이유✨ 없는게 없는 아이유한테 딱 하나 없는 게 있다면... 그건 바로 단점😉 #IU #Celebrity @_IUofficial #SpecialClip 👉 youtu.be/JtFI8dtPvxI
[NEWS] IU confirmed for upcoming movie “Brokers”, directed by Hirokazu Koreeda (Shoplifters, Like Father Like Son). Cast currently also includes Bae Doona, Song Kangho, and Kang Dongwon. Filming is projected to start in April #아이유 naver.me/F36PCHGQ
#온앤오프#BeautifulBeautiful#에잇(#eight)” Cover! 유튜브 Mdromeda KPOP에서 만나보세요! ✨Beautiful Beautiful✨ youtu.be/7MBqaUXiZnY 💜에잇(eight - IU) Cover💜 youtu.be/fo7ZcXt_bOE #itsLIVE #아이유 #KPOP #잇츠라이브