SPIDER OM ITUNES (20:32 KST) 11 #2s #5 Estonia #7 Poland #8 India #8 Thailand #1 1 Turkey #24 Brazil #25 Spain #33 Bahrain #40 Ireland #52 Oman #53 Ireland #57 Russia #67 Austria #73 Australia Charting in 32 Countries @pledis_17 #스파이더_호시_내려온다 open.spotify.com/track/2TwB7aK3…
SPIDER OM ITUNES (20:21 KST) 11 #2s Colombia Finland Hong Kong Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Saudi Arabia Taiwan UAE Viet Nam Singapore Charting in 32 Countries #호시_믹스테잎_스파이더_6시 #HOSHI_Spider_6PM @pledis_17 #스파이더_호시_내려온다 open.spotify.com/track/2TwB7aK3…
[번역] TEEN VOGUE ⚠ 질문은 제가 임의로 넣었어요 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17 #HOSHI #호시 #Spider #스파이더 #스파이더_호시_내려온다
Reminders for "#스파이더_호시_내려온다" - 24hour goal is 100k streams on Spotify but we CAN aim for even twice of that figure. - Spider will most likely receive playlisting support, esp. "K-Pop Daebak". Stream there to ensure longevity. @pledis_17 #호시 open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
HOSHI Spider iTunes Update #1 - Panama (+1) *3rd #1 in the world #1 - Cambodia (+1) *4th #1 in the world 4 #1s so far 14 #2 peaks 22 Top 5 peaks Charting in 47 countries @pledis_17 #호시 #스파이더_호시_내려온다 open.spotify.com/track/2TwB7aK3…
iTunes Qatar #1 - Spider HOSHI (+1) *2nd #1 in the world @pledis_17 #호시 #스파이더_호시_내려온다 open.spotify.com/track/2TwB7aK3…