220718 [THREAD] Exclusive photo 4th Album Repackage 'SECTOR 17' _WORLD MV: youtu.be/VCDWg0ljbFQ #세븐틴과_캐럿의_WORLD #_WORLD_MVRelease #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
[SECTOR 17] If you’re able to, please buy #_WORLD and or #SECTOR17 on iTunes! Remember to boy the songs separately! Let’s achieve our goals and surpass them❤️‍🔥 🔗: music.apple.com/co/album/seven… Important reminders 👇 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴과_캐럿의_WORLD
MnetやM2の動画を回すとbroadcastに反映されます。 是非再生を!! 今回エスパちゃんはナヨンちゃんにそれで勝ってます(たぶん( ˇωˇ )) #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #SECTOR17 #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD #세븐틴과_캐럿의_WORLD
less than an hour left for the release of another masterpiece WELCOME TO SVT_WORLD #세븐틴과_캐럿의_WORLD #_WORLD_MVRelease #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17