Mashiho dance details ☺️ his fingers revealing how he trained in ballet + jazz & more マシホのダンスディテールいつも綺麗ですね 幼い頃からバレエとジャズと色んなダンス練習の影響かもね @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #ましほ増増 #마시호메이커
Mashiho in New York 🥺💜 マシホはニューヨークへ❣️ @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #ましほ増増 #마시호메이커
Mashiho on jpn album 1/3 ☺️💜トレジャーの日本アルバムのマシホ歌声大好きですね @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #ましほ増増 #마시호메이커
Mashiho profile: acrobatic specialty, a mega collection 😍 アクロバットマシホコレクション大好き @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #ましほ増増 #마시호메이커
i hope everyone is fine. i want to hug you all. lets wait for him and stay strong 🫂 💌 pls send him messages on his 💚weverse hashtag: #to_mashiho 💙twitter hashtag: #ましほ増増 #마시호메이커 kindly send him good words that can lift him up while mashiho is recovering 🍀🥺💜