The Bouquet from @roseannexdays to Rosé is the florist’s this year’s 1st cherry blossom. Special bouquet to special people 💐 블랙핑크 로제 #AllOurLoveROSÉDay #로제가_있는_2월은_장미빛이야
You’ve done a lot and you’re really doing great, Rosie. Hope being ROSÉ still makes you happy. 채영이 더 행복하자. 아프지 말고. Happy birthday. #AllOurLoveROSÉDay #로제가_있는_2월은_장미빛이야 @BLACKPINK
Rosé birthday celebrate ads on HIVE BOX’s parcel lockers by c-fansés🎉 HAPPY ROSÉ DAY 블랙핑크 로제 #AllOurLoveROSÉDay #로제가_있는_2월은_장미빛이야
Happy Birthday to Jennie's hubby ROSÉ. Thank you for always supporting Jennie. May good things always come to you 🎉 #AllOurLoveROSÉDay #로제가_있는_2월은_장미빛이야
can I get 211 reply for rosé birthday? HAPPY ROSÉ DAY #AllOurLoveROSÉDay #로제가_있는_2월은_장미빛이야 @BLACKPINK #ROSÉ
happy birthday our main vocalist ROSÉ 🤍 thank you for your never-dying passion to sing for us. can’t wait to be amazed by you again in RS1 just like the first time on 8.8.2016 HAPPY ROSÉ DAY #AllOurLoveROSÉDay #로제가_있는_2월은_장미빛이야 @BLACKPINK #ROSÉ