。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚Happy Anniversary 2nd Treasure  ゚・。・ HAPPY TEU_YEARS TREA2URE #TREA2URE_ANNIVER2ARY_2022 #데뷔2주년_축하해_빛나는트레저 @treasuremembers
You've been through a lot for the past 2 years, but you always end up shining! Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary. To more amazing years with you! HAPPY TEUYEARS TREA2URE #TREA2URE_ANNIVER2ARY_2022 #열두개의_보석_트레저_2주년 #데뷔2주년_축하해_빛나는트레저 @treasuremembers
[WORLDWIDE TRENDS] We are on the top worldwide trends now! Keep up the good work, Teumes. Let's try to reach 1M tweets in our tags for today. 🥳 HAPPY TEUYEARS TREA2URE #TREA2URE_ANNIVER2ARY_2022 #열두개의_보석_트레저_2주년 #데뷔2주년_축하해_빛나는트레저 @treasuremembers
It wasn't an easy journey for the members and for reaching 2 amazing years full of ups and downs. Thank you for your hardwork and passion, TREASURE! ❤️ HAPPY TEUYEARS TREA2URE #TREA2URE_ANNIVER2ARY_2022 #열두개의_보석_트레저_2주년 #데뷔2주년_축하해_빛나는트레저 @treasuremembers
It feels like yesterday, we're all crying because finally you debuted. Time really flies. Here we are celebrating our 2nd year together. 😇🎉 HAPPY TEUYEARS TREA2URE #TREA2URE_ANNIVER2ARY_2022 #열두개의_보석_트레저_2주년 #데뷔2주년_축하해_빛나는트레저 @treasuremembers
"We are only TREASURE when there's all 12 of us." Happy 2nd anniversary, our 12 shining treasures. HAPPY TEUYEARS TREA2URE #TREA2URE_ANNIVER2ARY_2022 #열두개의_보석_트레저_2주년 #데뷔2주년_축하해_빛나는트레저 @treasuremembers
[CHOEAEDOL] Update as of 1:30 AM KST. Please don’t forget that we have a Charity Fairy project to achieve today. HAPPY TEUYEARS TREA2URE #TREA2URE_ANNIVER2ARY_2022 #열두개의_보석_트레저_2주년 #데뷔2주년_축하해_빛나는트레저 @treasuremembers
Our anniversary hashtags became the most tweeted tags at #4, #8, and #12, and became the longest trending at #1, #5 and #12 worldwide! Thank you, Teumes!🔥😇 Keep using them. #TREA2URE_ANNIVER2ARY_2022 #열두개의_보석_트레저_2주년 #데뷔2주년_축하해_빛나는트레저 @treasuremembers
#TREASURE INSTAGRAM UPDATE 🦔 leader-nim changed their bio: "I can't live without Teumes!! Don't go anywhere!!💜🔥💜🔥 By 🦔" #CHOIHYUNSUK #트레저 #TREA2URE_ANNIVER2ARY_2022 #열두개의_보석_트레저_2주년 #데뷔2주년_축하해_빛나는트레저 @treasuremembers
#TREASURE INSTAGRAM UPDATE 🐶leader-nim changed their bio: "Thank you. Let's keep up the good work! 🌸 By 🐶" #JIHOON #트레저 #TREA2URE_ANNIVER2ARY_2022 #열두개의_보석_트레저_2주년 #데뷔2주년_축하해_빛나는트레저 @treasuremembers
Happy 2nd anniversary debut to these wonderful boys. We admire your talent, manners and work ethics. We all wish you a good health and great career ahead. #TREA2URE_ANNIVER2ARY_2022 #열두개의_보석_트레저_2주년 #데뷔2주년_축하해_빛나는트레저 @treasuremembers