We will be aiming for CHARITY FAIRY on Choeaedol! At 12KST, please drop your votes for Sana! We need 55M votes by the end of the day~ You can vote here to help with rebates: myloveidol.com/articles/26173… HAPPY SANA DAY #겨울에_태어난_원스들의_샛별이 #AlwaysHereForSana @JYPETWICE
我が最高の推しサナちゃんさん、お誕生日おめでとう!!🎉 こうやって今年もお祝いできるの本当に嬉しいですねえ。 いつもたくさんの人に元気と幸せを与えているサナちゃん、その100億倍くらい幸せでいてくれよなああああ🥹🥹 #HappySANAday #겨울에_태어난_원스들의_샛별이 #AlwaysHereForSana
Guess who's the first member to greet Sana for her birthday, answer with the tags 💕, mine Jihyo. HAPPY SANA DAY #겨울에_태어난_원스들의_샛별이 #AlwaysHereForSana