221021 올영TV youtube channel [올영세상] 카이&화사 케미 폭발 촬영장 비하인드 대방출 📸 🔗youtu.be/4NsnnX5YtBw 공유, 좋아요, 댓글 💛 #카이 #KAI #엑소카이 #EXOKAI #EXO #김종인 #jongin #カイ #金钟仁 #올리브영카이 #올영세상 #가고켜고 #올리브영 @oliveyoung @weareoneEXO
230106 SMP FLOOR youtube channel KAI, SEULGI, JENO, KARINA "Hot & Cold (온도차)" Dance Practice 🔗 youtu.be/A8G_PgNmt7U 예쁜 댓글💛   #KAI #SEULGI #JENO #KARINA #Hot_and_Cold #SMP #SMPD #SMPFLOOR #슴피플로어 #카이 #KAI #엑소카이 #EXOKAI #EXO #김종인 #jongin #カイ #金钟仁
[VIDEO] 221219 official_nct update "🔥 I'll always be by your side 🧊" 🔗: tiktok.com/t/ZTRq1fuQo/ #CandyChallenge #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[TRANS] 220413 D&E SHOW Ep. 120 - KAI mention translation 💛 📽️ cr: 루프탑 Rooftop 2.0 #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
221018 KOCCA MUSIC youtube channel [ON THE K : ASSEMBLE] 🌟KAI 스페셜 영상! 🌟 🔗youtu.be/IEYiA1eHB10 공유, 좋아요, 댓글💛 #카이 #KAI #엑소카이 #EXOKAI #EXO #김종인 #jongin #カイ #金钟仁 @KOCCAMUSICKOREA @weareoneEXO
カイソロ広告案内🧸🍑 日本のカイペンさん達と応援広告を設置いたしました🍑 カイくんも見てくれたら嬉しいですね😆 場所2号線 端草駅(서초역) 日程2021/11月29日~12月28日 広告形態デジタル広告Bタイプ/1基+1基×両面=3面分20秒/回180回以上放映/日 #카이 #KAI #김종인 #カイ #金钟仁 @weareoneEXO
221106 KOCCA MUSIC youtube channel 2022 KOCCA MUSIC STUDIO [ON THE K : ASSEMBLE] 🐻 37:26~48:48 🔗 youtu.be/qwOXRTdRz68 공유💝, 좋아요👍, 예쁜 응원 댓글 함께 해요😍 #MAMAVOTE #kai #카이 #KAI #엑소카이 #EXOKAI #EXO #김종인 #jongin #カイ #金钟仁
📅 220427 | KAI SCHEDULE • 'Travel The World on EXO’s Ladder 3' Special Live Broadcast ⏰ 7:00 PM KST 🔗: youtube.com/c/SMCCStudio #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[VIDEO] 220923 EXO channel update with Kai I think I'll really ‼️ be able to see you all often 👉 ㅣ Olive Young AD Photoshoot Behind 🔗: youtu.be/5GmW4XfEKuA Please like and leave positive comments for Kai 💛 #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[VIDEO] 220517 HallyuPopFest London 2022 channel update with Kai 4PM 카이 KAI GREETING KR 🔗: youtu.be/iET2P4SRiuQ Please like and leave positive comments for Kai 💛 #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
📣 오늘 저녁 8시 포항 K-POP 콘서트 예매‼️ 네이버예약 링크 안내🎫 🔗 booking.naver.com/booking/12/biz… 카이팅.ᐟ.ᐟ #카이 #KAI #엑소카이 #EXOKAI #EXO #김종인 #jongin #カイ #金钟仁 twitter.com/Hereiam_cafe/s…
[VIDEO] 221219 official_nct update "𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒖𝒔 𝒄𝒖𝒕! You're not alone 🕺 Because I'm by your side 😜" 🔗: tiktok.com/t/ZTRq1MerK/ #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[INFO] 211122 HyunBin from girl group TRI.BE has covered Kai's '음 (Mmmh)' ✨ 🔗: vt.tiktok.com/ZSeB7wRWA/ Please like and leave positive comments ⬇️💛 #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO twitter.com/tribedaloca/st…
[UPDATE] 211118 W Korea website update with Kai “EXO Kai 'Peaches' mini album, available 11/30” 🔗: wkorea.com/2021/11/18/%ec… Please open and share the article 💛 #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
220710 hpflondon2022 instagram story🌈 @zkdlin is now joining us on the red carpet stage‼️ 🔗 instagram.com/stories/hpflon… 하트💌 보내주세요💛 #카이 #KAI #엑소카이 #EXOKAI #EXO #김종인 #jongin #カイ #金钟仁
[IG] 220515 pixdk* update with Kai "Few photos from the incredible @.kpop.flex_ festival currently going on!” 🔗: instagram.com/p/Cdkqwv9oOzy/… *Photographer Please like and leave positive comments for Kai 💛 #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[INFO] 220627 Kai's performance will be from 4:30PM - 5PM KST 💛 🔗: wcif.world/program #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[IG] 220414 bcc_blindcarboncopy update with Kai 🔗: instagram.com/tv/CcUzTkhJLEm… #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[IG] 220907 zkdlin update (2/2) "Paris~~💙" 🔗: instagram.com/p/CiLRCcUP3f9/… #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
엑소 카이, 다채로운 매력 담은 ‘KAIst’ 콘텐츠 화제 목공예 체험기 공개 예고✨ 🖥 5월 29일 오후 8시 🔗naver.me/Gsa7HaFH 추천👍, 좋아요🥰 함께 해요💛 #카이 #KAI #엑소카이 #EXOKAI #EXO #김종인 #jongin #カイ #金钟仁 #KAIst #카이스트