[INFO] 220627 Kai's performance will be from 4:30PM - 5PM KST 💛 🔗: wcif.world/program #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[INFO] 220627 Kai will give a special performance at the 2022 World Cultural Industry Forum! The event will be streamed on YouTube. 📅 Event Date: 7/7 10AM KST 🔗: instagram.com/tv/CfTBrqWJLLd… #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[IG] 220626 zkdlin story update “💀” 🔗: instagram.com/stories/zkdlin #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[IG] 220626 zkdlin update (1/2) 🔗: instagram.com/p/CfRNwTJPGEp/… Please like and leave positive comments for Kai 💛 #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[IG] 220625 badalee__* update with Kai "@.waterbomb_official 💦🔫🌊 #TEAMKAI ❤️‍🔥" ↪️ @.jrickbaek*: "Yesterday was practically Kai-hyung's concert 🔥" 🔗: instagram.com/p/CfOJ-JzJeuK/… *Dancers #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[IG] 220625 ri_yeeeeee* update with Kai 🔗: instagram.com/p/CfN0UyPpT7k/… *Dancer #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[IG] 220625 dj_raiden_ update with Kai “Fam @.zkdlin” 🔗: instagram.com/p/CfMVjC9vtim/… #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[UPDATE] 220624 EXO-L community update with Kai “2022.06.24. #KAI #Waterbomb Seoul 2022 📷 A refreshing time spent with Kai at ‘Waterbomb Seoul 2022’ 🔫” #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
📅 220624 | KAI SCHEDULE • Waterbomb 2022 Festival ⏰ 07:10 PM KST #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
📣 응원법 안내 ❶ KAI - “음 (Mmmh)” ❷ KAI - “Peaches” 🐻💪🏻🍑 내일 24일 금요일 비 소식이 있습니다🌧☔️ 워터밤 축제에 참석하시는 팬 여러분께서는 부디 안전하고 즐거운 행사를 즐기시기 바랍니다. #카이 #KAI #엑소카이 #EXOKAI #EXO #김종인 #jongin #カイ #金钟仁
#HallyuPopFest in 호주 시드니 ✨카이✨ 출연 확정! 🗓 8/13 - 8/14 📍 Qudos Bank Arena (큐도스 은행 아레나) 🎫 예약 판매: 6/24(금) 오전 10시 - 6/28 오후 12시 (EST) 🎫 일반 판매: 6/28(화) 오후 1시 (EST) #카이 #KAI #엑소카이 #EXOKAI #EXO #김종인 #jongin #カイ #金钟仁 twitter.com/hpfsydney2022/…
[INFO] 220622 Kai will be performing at the Hallyu Pop Fest 2022 in Sydney 💛 📅 Event weekend: August 13-14 🎫 Presale: June 24 9am - June 28 11am KST 🎫 General sale: June 28 12pm KST #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[IG] 220622 zkdlin comment 🐻: Cute right (said cutely) #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[IG] 220620 zkdlin update 🔗: instagram.com/p/CfBlmdMP89l/… Please like and leave positive comments for Kai 💛 #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
📣 제 1회 청룡 시리즈 어워즈(BSA)🏆 투표 안내🗳 🗓 6/19 오늘 오후 6시부터 시작❗️ 예능 부문 > ❶ 남자신인예능인상: #신세계로부터 - #카이(엑소) ❷ 인기스타상 ⚠ 모든 후보를 지정해야 투표가 가능합니다. 🔗 bsa.blueaward.co.kr/ott/index.php #KAI #엑소카이 #EXO #김종인 #jongin #カイ #金钟仁
[IG] 220615 pixdk* update with Kai "Few of my favourite portraits from @.kpop.flex_ back in Frankfurt!" 🔗: instagram.com/p/Cdkqwv9oOzy/… *Photographer Please like and leave positive comments for Kai 💛 #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
220614 weareone.exo instagram story🌈 🔗 instagram.com/stories/weareo… 🔗 instagram.com/stories/weareo… 하트 보내기💌 함께 해요💛 워터밤💦 타임테이블도 꼭 다시 한번 확인하세요😍 #카이 #KAI #엑소카이 #EXOKAI #EXO #김종인 #jongin #カイ #金钟仁
[IG] 220614 zkdlin story update “Wearing a golden watch and a friend of Kai, even my niece/nephew would [recognize you]” 🔗: instagram.com/stories/zkdlin #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[IG] 220614 ravithecrackkidz story update with Kai “Sweet of you to crop it and post without asking me But everybody seems to know it's me, Jongin-ah ㅋㅋㅋ @.zkdlin” 🔗: instagram.com/stories/ravith… #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
[IG] 220613 yslbeauty update with Kai “On stage and off stage, @.zkdlin makes flawless look effortless with ALL HOURS.” 🔗: instagram.com/p/Cev7zTpLVMF/… Please like and leave positive comments for Kai 💛 #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO
With their charisma, visuals and abilities, these idols including EXO Kai, IT** Ye** and more are indeed born to perform on the main stage! 🔗 bit.ly/3O4yOwk #카이 #KAI #엑소카이 #EXOKAI #EXO #김종인 #jongin #カイ #金钟仁 twitter.com/kpopstarz/stat…
220610 포브스誌(Forbes) Hollywood & Entertainmet part Blue 프로듀서 겸 작곡가 Brady Tutton 인터뷰 (수석기고가: Jeff Benjamin) 🔗forbes.com/sites/jeffbenj… ✨𝙆𝘼𝙄 𝙞𝙨 𝘿𝙊𝙋𝙀 ✨ 일부 발췌 및 번역문이 있습니다. #카이 #KAI #엑소카이 #EXOKAI #EXO #김종인 #jongin #カイ #金钟仁
[IG] 220611 zkdlin update 🔗: instagram.com/p/CeqZ9Ogv8xY/… Please like and leave positive comments for Kai 💛 #KAI #카이 #カイ #金钟仁 #엑소카이 @weareoneEXO