本日起試著以圖像型式發翻譯文,希望更能方便觀看享受,謝謝!(企劃STAFF) We changed our translation tweeting style this time. Hope everyone would enjoy! (Staff) <翻譯><Translation> #派遣偶像 #iHAKE twitter.com/iD7_IDOLHAKEN/…
在此發表助手來賓!這次邀請IDOLiSH7的四葉環、TRIGGER的八乙女樂來參加!敬請期待兩位的活躍表現!(企劃STAFF) We're announcing the supporting guests for Iori's episode: Tamaki Yotsuba of IDOLiSH7 and Gaku Yaotome of TRIGGER! Please look forward to it! (Staff) #派遣偶像 #iHAKE twitter.com/iD7_IDOLHAKEN/…
和泉一織くんお誕生日おめでとう!素敵な1日になりますように!(企画スタッフ) 一織生日快樂!祝你有個美好的一天!(企劃STAFF) Happy birthday Iori! Have a wonderful day! (Staff) #アイハケ #派遣偶像 #iHAKE twitter.com/id7_idolhaken/…
各位是否有享受 #派遣偶像 呢!一織還有每位偶像在SNS協助炒熱企劃,真心感謝! 下次是IDOLiSH7的二階堂大和了,敬請期待!(企劃) We hope you're enjoying #iHAKE. Thank you Iori and everyone for cheering up on SNS! Please look forward to the next with Yamato Nikaido of IDOLiSH7! (Staff) twitter.com/iD7_IDOLHAKEN/…
在此發表助手來賓!這次邀請TRIGGER的九条天、Re:vale的千來參加!敬請期待兩位的活躍表現!(企劃STAFF) We're announcing the supporting guests for Yamato's episode: Tenn Kujo of TRIGGER and Yuki of Re:vale! Please look forward to it! (Staff) #派遣偶像 #iHAKE twitter.com/iD7_IDOLHAKEN/…
二階堂大和くんお誕生日おめでとう!素敵な1日になりますように!(企画スタッフ) 大和生日快樂!祝你有個美好的一天!(企劃STAFF) Happy birthday Yamato! Have a wonderful day! (Staff) #アイハケ #派遣偶像 #iHAKE twitter.com/id7_idolhaken/…