#Rikimaru #力丸 #INTO1 I miss Riki dance happily so much 😢😢 #DanceKingRikimaru #未知周刊INTO1
#INTO1 🌐 #未知周刊INTO1 🔔[UNKNOWN WEEKLY!INTO1!]suprise extra story is on show now! The behind-the-scenes stories of THE STORM CENTER mv and INTO1's WONDERLAND 暨腾讯东京奥运报道喝彩曲发布会 are waiting for INsider🥰 #INTO1_Wonderland
#INTO1 #未知周刊INTO1 [UNKNOWN WEEKLY! INTO1!]VOL.10 on show now! 🎥youtu.be/D1iwlRS5ld0 More interesting stories on and off the stage are waiting for INsider 😉 Members share the feelings in their heart. Come and see more backstage stories of INTO1🥳
#INTO1 #未知周刊INTO1 [UNKNOWN WEEKLY! INTO1!]VOL.9 on show now! 🎥youtu.be/OZqxq1_SJQY The rest time game is in full swing! Special snacks are waiting for INTO1 to taste😋 Say something from the bottom of member‘s heart to INsider❤️
#INTO1 #未知周刊INTO1 [UNKNOWN WEEKLY! INTO1!] VOL.8 on show now! 🎥youtu.be/8UMtiAX9otE Behind the stage, members are practicing attentively💦 INTO1 encourage each other and make progress together💪🏻 Come and find out more stories behind the stage!
#INTO1 #未知周刊INTO1 [UNKNOWN WEEKLY! INTO1!]]VOL.7 on show now! 🎥youtu.be/GYVt8hxy0B8 Dormitory transformation comes to a perfect end ~Members make Zongzi together.🎊 Who will be the new leader of INTO1?Come and spend the holiday with INTO1!