He borrowed it permanently. #月影
#月影 #tsukikage 誰も知らなくても 明日が曇りでも 約束はなくてもそれでいい 少しだけ冷えた君の手のひらを 温められたら良かったはずなのに
#月影 #tsukikage 可愛いなあ、王様…
The King is just a little gullible. #月影
Hotaru found new friends 🐥 #月影 #tsukikage #hotaru
#月影 #tsukikage 不要让身高超过188的排球笨蛋独自出去参加聚餐。
A little something for @yamineftis I hope you like my late birthday present for you. ❤️ Just Kageyama trying his best and Tsukki (also trying) not to laugh cuz they’re still in front of camera. #tsukikage #月影
Late valentine post #tsukikage #月影
#月影の日2022 #月影 #tsukikage 月影の日おめでとうございます! 今年も月影と一緒にたくさん幸せになろうね!
#月影 休息日的清晨。 Have a good weekend。