Let’s travel the world, hand in hand, until eternity. #未定事件簿 #輝く歳月 #tearsofthemis #HeartImagery #ArtemWing #左京静真 #左然
#ArtemWing: "As your partner, your senior… and your “husband”, I have to take responsibility for all of our next moves." Artem's SSR 【尘隐烟霞】 is now subbed: 🔗 youtu.be/asnKiHvoXc8 Now cry with me and happy CNY #TearsOfThemis #未定事件簿 #左京静真 #左然 #尘隐烟霞
#ArtemWing: "No matter how this matter ends, we'll always be together until the end." Artem's 2nd Personal Story SSR now subbed: 🔗 youtu.be/Ik0pUMQ33-E #未定事件簿 #TearsOfThemis #左然 #左京静真
#ArtemWing: "Do you have any idea on what I wanted to do before saying things like these?" Artem's Enchanting Whispers MR now subbed: 🔗 youtu.be/a6IjrCd5cDY #未定事件簿 #TearsOfThemis #左然 #左京静真
#左然:“其实你可以再离我近一点的” #陆景和:“你不会是假戏真做,爱上我了吧?” #TearsOfThemis Enchanting Whispers Event PV: #未定事件簿 漫想夜话 PV: 🔗 youtube.com/watch?v=YOhtbZ… #ArtemWing #左京静真 #MariusVonHagen #和泉景 #VynRichter #森月黎 #莫弈 #LukePearce #水無瀬夏彦 #夏彦
#ArtemWing: "You don't have to stop, just keep going will do..." Artem's Gourmet Gastronomy MR now subbed: 🔗 youtu.be/O57UiYCIX8Y #未定事件簿 #TearsOfThemis #左然 #左京静真
#ArtemWing: "If I were to act coquettish to you just like GuoGuo, would you satisfy my requests?" Artem's Fluffy Fuzzy Time SSR is now subbed: 🔗 youtu.be/3DWzvGqFhjs #未定事件簿 #TearsOfThemis #左然 #ArtemWing #左京静真
【 Tears of Themis 2nd Anniversary Spoilers 】 #ArtemWing: "Would you be willing to give me the right to stand by your side forever?" Zuo Ran's 2nd anniversary card is now up: 🔗 youtu.be/kREc-b0r-f0 Happy 2nd Anniversary! #未定事件簿 #TearsOfThemis #左然 #左京静真
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #未定事件簿 #左然 #左京静真 #ArtemWing #TearsOfThemis
不知什麼時候發 現在發一下好了😅 當天的會比較左然喔!(在說什麼 I will have another piece on his birthday so I will post this first😭 Deduction/推量 #artemwing #左京静真 #TearsOfThemis
🥰 “Thanks for coming Mother.” “Come with me! I want to show you something!! haha” 🥺 #artemwing #tearsofthemis #未定事件簿 #左京静真 #左然
May I humbly share my very old drawings of navy shirt Artem... #ArtemWing #willdeletelater #左京静真
#左然 #artemwing #左京静真 *Birthday Celebration* BD Card 【日本】 ローソン/ファミマプリント 番号/7RKJC7YYPF 2022-04-17 まで 【台灣】 iBon詳細下收 【DL】WW A4 size. *For personal use only.* Until 27 Apr 2022 香港朋友可自行下載列印!只限自用喔~ drive.google.com/file/d/14GavO8…
ホワイトデー 2022 今年はこの2人! *Sorry I need to re-upload it as the original one is so blurry. #未定事件簿 #TearsOfThemis #VynRichter #artemwing #森月黎 #左京静真
37 yo Artem from my Fanfic🤝🍾️ In some Bistro. うちのSSからの左京さん。大人っぽくなってきたという。 #左京静真 #ArtemWing #TearsOfThemis #未定事件簿
【声優インタビュー-諏訪部順一篇】 『未定事件簿』#左京静真 役を務める声優、#諏訪部順一 さんのインタビュームービーを公開! ▼YouTube版はこちら youtu.be/6G8lACHXHEg #未定事件簿 #TearsofThemis