i love how we all draw Xie Lian soft but sometimes i remember he is also one of the most powerful martial gods #tgcf #天官赐福 #谢怜
height difference #tgcf #天官赐福 #hualian
【TGCF】 Just having some doodle while waited Meito fufufu First night of ErMing and Ruoye after they are fall in love each other... Some log's scene from my and Meito RP room #天官赐福 #HeavenOfficialsBlessing #TGCF #TianGuanCiFu #novel #EMing #RuoYe #厄若 #厄命 #若邪
【TGCF】 Day 2: Receptions #hualianweek2k19 #天官赐福 #HeavenOfficialsBlessing #TGCF #TianGuanCiFu #novel #HuaCheng #花城 #HuaLian #XieLian #谢怜 #花怜 I dont know how long i'll follows the HuaLian week due my RL schedules, but will try my best
【TGCF】Day 4 《Red String of Fate》 #hualianweek2k19 #天官赐福 #HeavenOfficialsBlessing #TGCF #TianGuanCiFu #novel #HuaCheng #花城 #HuaLian #XieLian #谢怜 #花怜 Usually got busy more when at weekend (⁎×﹏×⁎)՞ ps: dianxia sit on Hua Cheng's lap btw
#天官赐福 之前画的一些不怎么好看的图。
【TGCF】Day 5 《Courtship》 Borrows spiritual energies excuses 👌 #天官赐福 #HeavenOfficialsBlessing #TGCF #TianGuanCiFu #novel #HuaCheng #花城 #HuaLian #XieLian #谢怜 #花怜 #hualianweek2k19 I'll take a rest for a moment, not know if i can able to continue hualianweek or not
#天官赐福 first kiss
中秋节快乐。hualian对于我来说风光无限的是你,跌落尘埃的也是你,重点是“你”,而不是怎样的你。 #天官赐福
Shixiong, how can you expect me to give up on you, when it was you in the first place who never gave up on me #TGCF #HeavenOfficialsBlessing #天官赐福 #quanyin
this has always been what i imagined my's magic shovel would look like since it was first mentioned in the novel fjfjfj also dont ask me how sqx managed to get a smartphone hes sqx he has his ways #TGCF #HeavenOfficialsBlessing #天官赐福 #beefleaf
#天官赐福 #HeavenlyOfficialsBlessing 花怜的粉红泡泡滤镜~ ​ “真好看~”
In this life and in the next life, this red string tied lightly to my finger will lead me to you #天官赐福 #HeavenOfficialsBlessing #HuaCheng
hualian存货不多了。。 #天官赐福
【TGCF】Day 6 《Honeymoon》 「San Lang, eat this Mantou.... 」 🦋Just wanted to continue my HuaLian week even not in again ww its 3 days left tho... #天官赐福 #HeavenOfficialsBlessing #TGCF #TianGuanCiFu #novel #HuaCheng #花城 #HuaLian #XieLian #谢怜 #花怜 #hualianweek2k19
"Do you prefer things like this ming-xiong~?" #TGCF #HeavenOfficialsBlessing #天官赐福 #beefleaf
his turn to wait #天官赐福 #花怜 #tgcf