Studio use the hashtag #保win箱 It's a pun of 保温箱, which means Heat preservation box. 👉🏻 保win箱: protect WINWIN box A pun on pronunciation and meaning for 🌸Winter and WINWIN🌸
220201 | 董思成 Studio Update LittleStudio took #保win箱 to say Happy New Year to everyone! What are you doing on the first day of CNY? Come and make handicrafts with Dong Sicheng. Enjoy the atmosphere of Spring Festival👌 ​​​​​​ #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
220602 | 董思成WINWIN工作室 亲友相聚,佳节常乐 如果是独自过节,也没关系, ☁️@威神V_董思成_WINWIN 就在屏幕这边陪伴你。 记得要吃好每一顿饭, 乐在其“粽”, 你最珍贵, 祝大家端午安康哟~ #保win箱 #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
220702 | DSC Studio Update #保win箱 开箱啦,释放一些快乐,送给大家。 已经到“碎冰叮当响”的夏天啦, 春日错过的风景,都将在新的季节里寻回,一起出去玩吧✌️