#ASTRO #Moonbin Weibo 200502 [Translation] #StayHappy_W I challenged the dance relay also 😊 How about we try together? #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #มุนบิน #아스트로 #アストロ #널찾아가 #KNOCK #GATEWAY *Binnie asks Arohas to join the dance challenge also 💜 🔗weibo.com/tv/v/J03NAB3jN…
FULL MOON✨ #MoonBin's time as in #ASTRO and as an actor, like manga character. Which side of him would he want to be remembered by his fans? by Vogue Korea May 2020 #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #มุนบิน #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro 🔗instagram.com/p/B_ev9cBn9nn/…
2020 April Kpop Idol Brand Reputation Ranking (boys & girls combined) 15th #ChaEunwoo 63rd #MOONBIN Congratulations!🎉🎊 Data collected from Mar 24 to Apr 25 2020 🔗newskr.kr/news/articleVi…#차은우 #ウヌ #車銀優 #ชาอึนอู #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #มุนบิน #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ
2020 April Kpop Idol Brand Reputation Ranking no. 8 #CHAEUNWOO no. 23 #MOONBIN Congratulations!!!🎉🎊 Date collected from 2020 March 18 to April 19 🔗rekorea.net/bbs/board.php?… #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ #차은우 #ウヌ #車銀優 #ชาอึนอู #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #มุนบิน
#인어왕자 #문빈 "The Mermaid Prince" #Moonbin is trending at Naver today No. 2 spot under "Entertainment and Sports" category #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #มุนบิน #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ
アロハさんを呼んでるよ📢4/22発売 #韓流ぴあ 5月号📖人気連載 #ASTRO の定点観測第4回に登場するのは #ムンビン 君💜#문빈 君の #소확행 は?心が豊かになる回答にグッとくるはず。茶目っ気いっぱい #MOONBIN 君を見てハッピーになってくださいね😊FCでは生写真付で予約受付中(菜)#아스트로
Peanuts Going Home~🥜🥜 with English subtitle 땅콩 #문빈 #윤산하 They sing a lot, back to their trainee days🎤 Thank you for blessing our days with ur vocals & harmonization💜 #Moonbin #ムンビン #文彬 #YoonSanha #ユンサナ #尹產賀 #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ vlive.tv/video/179073
#ASTRO #MoonBin Weibo 200409 Trans: Hello Everyone. I'm ASTRO Moonbin~ Everyone! My personal Weibo is opened~!! I will show my various charms, please leave me lots of messages~! Bye Bye~~ 🔗weibo.com/tv/v/ICy64bNpu… #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #มุนบิน #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO
Binnie's Weibo account is finally activated. 🎉🎊 No update yet... But at least we got all 6 accounts in Weibo now. #Moonbin #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #มุนบิน #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ
4/22発売 #韓流ぴあ 5月号💜人気連載 #ASTRO の定点観測第4回は #ムンビン 君をフィーチャー👏👏👏#문빈 君の #소확행 は?心が豊かになる回答にグッとくるはず。茶目っ気いっぱい #MOONBIN 君を見てハッピーになってくださいね😉FCでは生写真付で予約受付中。アロハさんを呼んでるよ(菜)#아스트로
Dispatch ~ #ASTRO #Moonbin 200313 - A mellow glance - Heart attack eye smile - Human Pocari Sweat - The moment of falling in love with naver.me/Ft9jOHE4 naver.me/xhOyXqY3 naver.me/FZKQBpOm naver.me/5g60eG7q #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #아스트로 #アストロ
#ASTRO #Moonbin ascends as beastly idol with solid abs #문빈 unbuttoned his jacket, revealed his strong muscles in Vogue. With Doberman's presence which adds to Bin's wildness. #ムンビン has cute image but here, he shows the appearance of a beastly idol. 🔗star.mt.co.kr/stview.php?no=…
2020 March Kpop Idol Brand Reputation Ranking no. 17 #CHAEUNWOO no. 96 #MOONBIN Date collected from 2020 February 27 to March 28 🔗newskr.kr/news/articleVi… #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ #차은우 #ウヌ #車銀優 #ชาอึนอู #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬
#ASTRO #Moonbin's cover from yesterday's vlive was highlighted at Weibo 韩流 (over 1.6mil subscribers) In 1.5 hr attracts over 80k views with lots of praise & positive comments💜 🔗weibo.com/tv/v/IzUioA8m1… #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
#인어왕자 "Mermaid Prince" starring #ASTRO #MOONBIN Actors & Staff finished filming safely for 6 nights & 7 days, fighting with the cold sea at Yangyang Beach, Gangwon Province. The web drama will be released in mid-April! 🔗instagram.com/p/B-Cb888Bk8V/ #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #아스트로
"I'm always thankful to #문빈's fans... Thank you so much. My biggest reward in this project is the coffee trucks. I'm lost in it." Eean Lee, Binnie's co-worker in his web drama #인어왕자 🔗instagram.com/p/B9_BEDdJ2qU/ #Moonbin #ムンビン #文彬 #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ
💛❤️日本語字幕 - フォンサート(原曲:10cm) [FULL]drive.google.com/file/d/13Y5oS4… #ムンビン #ユンサナ ※歌詞訂正しました
- 200318 日本語字幕[1/2] 🎶フォンサート(폰서트/原曲:10cm) #ムンビン #ユンサナ