#TREASURE WEB DRAMA ‘男子校怪談’ CHARACTER POSTER "あそこの中に... 本当にお化けがいる" #トレジャー #MASHIHO #マシホ #男子校怪談 #TheMysteriousClass #WEBDRAMA #ウェブドラマ #COMINGSOON #20211112_10PM #YG twitter.com/ygent_official…
趣味やバスケを楽しむ時間🏀 #マシホ の17:25pm 魔女工場×マシホと一緒に過ごす Lovely day💕 #魔女工場 #TREASURE #MASHIHO
잘 지내???🍀 #마시호 #MASHIHO #マシホ
오랜만에 숙소에서 📸パシャッとな #마시호 #MASHIHO #マシホ
💎 #TREASURE × #smash. 💎  #TREASURE_Office_Adventure 新エピソード公開✨ 今週は #マシホ#ユンジェヒョク があなたを新社屋へご招待🎵 どんな場所を紹介してくれるのでしょうか👀 オフィスアドベンチャーへ行ってらっしゃい⭐️ sharesmash.page.link/fz28
여러분 오늘도 많이 고생했어요! 남은 이번주도 힘내✨ 그럼 굿밤🍀 #마시호 #MASHIHO #マシホ
Mashiho so manly yet sweet when hes speaking japanese 🥺 jline members are soo funny 😂 マシホは日本語が話すと男らしさと優しさも感じるね @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호
🐹 Mashiho: When I was in elementary school there was an artist SE7EN..I admired him as an artist & I had always loved kpop music since young so I auditioned..and now here I am ☺️ @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호
Thinking abt this mashiho, soft spoken, calm, handsome 😌💘 🐹: my personal goal is keep honing myself, I will grow my skills but also internally as a person @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호 engsub: youtu.be/P0fLIN50vmU src: youtu.be/3giiBD7_omI
im always so proud of him 🥺💛 #MASHIHO #마시호 #マシホ
mashiho dancing makes me happy 😌💕マシホのダンス動画は幸せをくれますね @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호
always have the brightest smiles when he is with the fans 💛 #마시호 #MASHIHO #マシホ @treasuremembers
a smile that could grow an entire beautiful garden 🌸🍃✨ #마시호 #MASHIHO #マシホ @treasuremembers
this part in fantasy always gives me butterflies and tingles in my heart ☹️💘 #마시호 #MASHIHO #マシホ @treasuremembers
여러분 추석 잘 지내고 계신가요? 저는 추석 첫날에 사히랑 미술관을 다녀왔어요😆 여러분도 많이 행복하고 즐거운 추석 되세요!!! #마시호 #MASHIHO #マシホ #아사히 #ASAHI #朝光
🏌️‍♂️⛳️🏌️‍♀️ #마시호 #MASHIHO #マシホ
treasure’s dancing machine. MASHIHO 💜 #마시호 #MASHIHO #マシホ @treasuremembers
#MASHIHO manyo summer boy concept 💛🍋☀️ #마시호 #マシホ @treasuremembers
i always love how mashiho takes care of his members, he is literally an angel. the way he is always so humble, kind, generous and the sweetest. we are always so lucky to have him 💛 #마시호 #MASHIHO #マシホ @treasuremembers
#MASHIHO in ily uniform he looks so good😍 #マシホ #마시호 @treasuremembers