I say this again with hashtag. No apology can compensate the damage you’ve done to his life. Pay off your mistake in front of law & justice. ​#ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์ twitter.com/vq8slwp/status…
If people who ruined people's life with a lie just apologize then why those Laws still exist? We're no saint so take your time to apologize SINCERELY to learn the life lesson better — like going to jail. #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
No one has right to play with someone’s life with disgusting lies. Woman ≠ victim, Men can be victims too.. APOLOGIZE BEFORE KARMA GETS YOU. #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
Lies >>>>>>>>>>>>> Apologies. Why do people get so confident in spreading bad things yet to coward to put even a pfp when they apologize? 🙃 #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
Apologies in this case have no value, say them when you face the court or suffer for the consequences that you have caused at this age. Be careful with your words. They could either build or destroy someone eternally. #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
Face the Same Hate & Consequences you threw at him. You made him harassed by thousands of people out there, His career, His life, everything is ruined. But the Bus you threw him under will swerve to hit u on the sidewalk. BE READY. #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
Nothing can undone the damage. When you decided to spread fake news, you should be prepared to face its consequences. Age and gender aren’t the secure cover for all wrong doings. #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
คำว่าผิดหวังตอนรู้เรื่องครั้งแรกมันก็เป็นกันทุกคนนั่นแหละ บอกแล้วตั้งแต่ต้นว่าไม่ได้เข้าข้างแต่จะอยู่เคียงข้าง ถ้าผิดก็ด่า แต่แค่ไม่ปล่อยมือไปไหนแค่นั้นเอง #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์ twitter.com/undergd92/stat…
How About LOCAL and INTERNATIONAL MEDIA, who were very fast to write stuff about one sided Story, Didn’t even give him a chance to put his side of Truth. How about you guys Apologise first?? #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์ #JusticeForBuildJakapan
A shallow apology on Twitter is not enough. He was literally condemned by the society. He lost everything! Millions of people shouted their filthy words at him in every fvcking second so I hope karma do this job without mercy! #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
Wish I can see more Thai people in this hashtag. You are the society around him. You jumped on quick judgement without second thought. As a citizen of this country, doesn’t he deserve to be protected by justice and get an apology? #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
maybe biu will forgive u because he’s very kind-hearted, but why did you do this!!? I understand that if u were still a teenager (But this is not an excuse) u would have tarnished someone's reputation !!!! I hope u can learn from the disaster u done 🙏🏼 #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
think twice before you wanna use words to destroy someone #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
When I was 17 years old like you, I could only do my homework every day and strive to be better in the future. So how could a 17-year-old girl spread fake news to destroy someone's career because of personal jealousy? who will be responsible? #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
this time it's my turn: "see you in the court" #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
Apology is not enough , go to jail and pay for his therapy. He lost his smile too! Bad karma will definitely come and it won't show mercy. #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
ใครว่ากูเงียบ กูก็ไม่ได้เงียบนะ กูปากหมาจะตายห่า น้องกูทุกคนรู้ 😂😂 #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
How hard it is to accept that yes you all jumped on conclusion just hearing one sided story, But now as truth is unveiling yall are still being egoistic & can’t accept that you were wrong. YALL CONTRIBUTED IN DESTROYING SOMEONE’s LIFE. #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์ #JusticeForBuildJakapan
Where are all those accounts that were so sure about all his crimes ??? You cowards had so much shit to say now you remain neutral ???? SOMEONE'S LIFE IS NOT YOUR ENTERTAINMENT YOU PATHETIC LOSERS . #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
When you decided to spread fake news, you should be prepared to face its consequences. Age and gender aren’t the secure cover for all wrong doings!!! #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
#ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์ @RedSkullxxx thanks for fighting and fans make this meme to you:
Waiting for Vogue to apologize! Their filthy article is unforgettable! They compared Biu to the Glory drama and made him an abuser with those baseless accusations without investigating what is the truth just for engagements and views! #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์ @VogueThailand
I want you to apologize in court not in Twitter! #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์