[T] 200107 Hanmiru's Instagram update hanmiru_moon: signed CD I've been waiting for😁 Present:YOU I waited for you for a long time😭 #GOT7#Spinngtop#Presentyou#Eclipse#Enough#지켜줄게 instagram.com/p/B7AXaUtH45h/ #JB #제이비 #재범 #Def #GOT7 #갓세븐 #ØFFSHORE
#NowPlaying_DEF 📻 Listen to CURIOSI by Def. on #SoundCloud 👉soundcloud.com/off_def/curiou…👈 follow along to the lyrics🎶 bit.ly/2N9sw1L #defstreamingparty #Def #ØFFSHORE #JB #GOT7 #갓세븐
Def. reached 173K followers on Soundcloud! Remember to follow if you haven’t already and ❤️ your favourite mixtapes and songs! ♪ If you don’t have a Soundcloud account yet, you can sign in using your FB or google account 😉 ➛ soundcloud.com/off_def #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
It has been 2 years since 1/? vol.2 was released on Soundcloud 🖤 vol.2, produced alongside ROYAL DIVE, is Def.'s second mixtape and the only mixtape so far to feature both an intro and outro! soundcloud.com/off_def/sets/1… #DefMixtapeVol2 #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
200202 Junny Instagram live New addition to the ØFFSHORE crew, Junny, mentions Jaebeom and how he’s been taking care of him as a hyung 🖤 #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
DON’T WORRY has just surpassed 1 Million streams! 🥳🖤 Now let’s focus on LOST, which is less than 22K away from 1M! soundcloud.com/off_def/lost Lets keep streaming everyone 🤘🏼 #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
All tracks on vol.1 have reached 1 Million streams 🖤 Good job everyone, hope we can all keep streaming and supporting Def. Listen to 1/? vol.1 by Def. #np on #SoundCloud soundcloud.com/off_def/sets/1… #DefMixtapeVol1 #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
[TRANS] 200226 Instagram story def.cnvs: "I was asked 'Isn’t living like that tiring?'. So I said 'I think life is meant to be lived tiresomely.' If you don’t live life tiresomely, you will end up skipping many things. Things that you shouldn't skip." #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
[SUB] Junny mentions Jaebeom on Kim Shin-Young's MBC radio show “Thankfully he was one of the first few people to approach me when I came to Korea. And as he introduced me to other composers, I was also composing more.” #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE #JB #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
200308 Instagram update def.cnvs: @/apro.co.kr instagram.com/stories/def.cn… #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
200311 Instagram update def.cnvs: (no caption) instagram.com/p/B9j6M75nqse/… #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
200311 Instagram update def.cnvs: (no caption) instagram.com/p/B9j6xPHnRdV/… #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
200319 Instagram update def.cnvs: SUNRISE. instagram.com/stories/def.cn… #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
200319 Instagram update def.cnvs: SUNSET. instagram.com/stories/def.cn… #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
200324 Instagram update def.cnvs: 🌊🌊🌊 instagram.com/p/B-HV3bClu-I/… #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
200324 Instagram update def.cnvs: new color shh instagram.com/p/B-Hb7UOFZq2/… #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
#NowPlaying_DEF 📻 Let’s all listen to Scene #1 while waiting for Scene #2 to drop 🔥 Here’s Laze by Øffshore SPOTIFY: open.spotify.com/album/2Y5f97rR… APPLE MUSIC: music.apple.com/au/album/scene… GENIE: genie.co.kr/DW7Y46 MELON: kko.to/yFtTnnQjT #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
Join us in celebrating the release of Øffshore's long-anticipated Scene #2 by using the hashtag #Øffshore_scene2 on 03/26 at 6PM KST Who's excited to add more Øffshore tunes to their playlists!? 🔥 #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
Scene #2 by Øffshore will be released on Korean streaming sites in 30 minutes!! 🌊 We can’t contain the excitement 🥰 #Øffshore_scene2 #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
200326 Rose In Peace Instagram rose1npeace: The album is out, please give it a listen! ØFFSHORE’s 2nd album is dropped now! Listen hurry! (Worldwide) Plz wait 6 hours 😂 instagram.com/p/B-MPpF5FBxA/… #Øffshore_Scene2 #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
For existing account holders, listen to Øffshore on Netease! 🌊 Scene #2 - music.163.com/#/album?id=868… Scene #1 - music.163.com/#/album?id=804… Øffshore - music.163.com/#/artist?id=32… #Øffshore_Scene2 #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE