Excellent news - according to government minister Michael Gove the UK has issued 300,000 visas to Ukrainian refugees…
Until he’s asked to confirm that number and it turns out it’s 3000 visas; 0.01% of what he’d just said.
Top catting ( via @_newspapers)
The International Monetary Fund want you to know that price rises will be worse in the UK than other countries because of decisions made by the government:
Bernard Cribbins 1928 - 2022
Shouldn’t need saying, but if you have a choice between voting for a racist and someone else, make sure you vote for someone else. Night night x
The last week has aged me. twitter.com/imageplotter/s…
I’m not enjoying this new ITV show: “I’m a non-entity, get me into there” #itvdebate
Boris Johnson “There are some European counties that don’t even have a hotel quarantine system”
That would of course include the European country that he is Prime Minister of.
Anyone would think he doesn’t learn his lessons, repeats harmful mistakes and isn’t sincere when he apologises… twitter.com/DailyMirror/st…
Martin Lewis used to do guides on the best mobile phone deals. He’s now doing them on how to avoid freezing in your own home. That’s not a good sign. twitter.com/MartinSLewis/s…
I’m not saying that Boris Johnson is keen to avoid #PMQs tomorrow but he’s been shaking hands with everyone in the covid ward again… #kitileaks
For those in the UK about to enjoy a four day weekend where you don’t have to work, can lay around, sleep when you want and spend most of your time snacking: welcome to the life of being a cat x
When rhetoric meets reality. Well done @dkaleniuk
I make a good ornament
(Photo @PoliticalPics)
We’ve reached the point where the government is trying to persuade you that earthquakes are fine… twitter.com/ionewells/stat…
I’m sure this gap used to be bigger…
(Photo @PoliticalPics)
I can’t comment on who’s responsible for the large cat turd in Boris Johnson’s shoe as I don’t want to prejudge Sue Gray’s independent investigation… #PMQs
Alan Turing was born 109 years ago today. He’s celebrated on the new £50 bank note. A great man who achieved great things: nytimes.com/2019/06/05/obi…
Conservative governments love to privatise things, which makes you wonder why they themselves have wound up in public service. Did the private sector not want them?
Today is a #BurnsNight like no other but still we’ll toast the memory of the immortal bard and wear our finest!
Boris Johnson received a higher proportion of no confidence votes tonight than Theresa May in 2018. Jacob Rees-Mogg described it as a very bad result for her and called for her resignation. twitter.com/BBCNewsnight/s…