I’m with them. The fridge has been locked. Big dog’s about to be put out of his misery #kitileaks twitter.com/BBCBreaking/st…
Members of the Liaison Committee are adopting the same policy as Michael Caine in The Muppet’s Christmas Carol: they’re playing it dead straight and totally ignoring the fact they’re appearing alongside a muppet. twitter.com/CommonsLiaison…
That many people are resigning from Johnson’s government that they’ve run out of House of Commons paper and are having to sign the same letter: twitter.com/NeilDotObrien/…
Zahawi, June 2019: “The public is clear what they don’t want: a controversial face from the past. 53% of voters think Boris Johnson would be a bad prime minister. This is a serious moment in our history – colleagues should follow the evidence and elect a fresh face”
What changed?
Sunak and Javid haven’t resigned tonight because of the lies (they’ve had countless opportunities to do that already); they’ve resigned because they’re no longer benefitting from them. Johnson’s government is in a death spiral and they’ve decided to flee.
How did Boris Johnson lose his job as Prime Minister? Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly…
Making my feelings clear… twitter.com/KirstieMAllsop…
Ministers growing spines are like buses, you wait ages and then… twitter.com/RishiSunak/sta…
Leaving at this stage preserves no dignity, it just draws attention to how long you’ve been happy to remain complicit. twitter.com/sajidjavid/sta…
Wishing all my friends in the United States a very enjoyable Independence Day. 246 years and you’re still rubbing our noses in it…
Boris Johnson’s attempted lines on Pinchergate:
1. Not aware of allegations
2. Not aware of specific allegations
3. Not aware of serious specific allegations
Only a matter of time until “Not aware of serious specific allegations that occurred while Pincher was wearing a blue tie”
Imagine saying this and then giving them a position of power over others. twitter.com/MoS_Politics/s…
Does he know that most people don’t have 6/7/8+ children (delete as appropriate) to split the costs between?
If the Tories want more homeowners they just need to build more houses, but they won’t do that because it will make rich old people feel poorer. twitter.com/Tony_Diver/sta…
Happy #Caturday
Master of the House…
(Photo @LightHackers)
He won’t lose the party whip as they don’t want him to step down as an MP because they’d lose another by-election. Instead someone who has TWICE had to resign in disgrace will continue to be paid by you. twitter.com/PippaCrerar/st…
Seems to me that Skippy the Bush Prime Minister is worried about being held to account… twitter.com/christopherhop…