Poor boy. Not only forced by #BigWhites, but also betrayed and blamed by his own mother. What kind of a scar will this leave on his heart? This is what the #ChinaProtests #ChinaProtest2022 #ChinaUprising #BLANKPAPERREVOLUTION are fighting up against. #China #A4Revolution
I've seen quite a few similar videos, but haven't posted any until now. Given what we learned from other sources about how difficult & expensive to cremate a body in a #crematorium in #CCPChina, I'm not surprised if someone in the countryside chose to do this. #ChinaCovidDeaths
Who says that Chinese people do not have the ability to invent and create? This is how you can eat with a #mask on. 第五大发明? #CCPChina, #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
“We no longer build Fang Cang hospitals. We are building big furnaces that cremate people. Look! Out of 1.4 B people, get 800M burned first. Will our life standards be better after that?” Man says while shooting this, showing a #QuarantineCamp is being turned into a crematorium.
Caught red handed! The #CCP’s propaganda machine shows image of Vice Premier Sun Chunlan inspecting Menghuajie in #Shanghai to guide #COVID19 control. But the fact is, she just “inspected” a Hollywood style film studio set up at the roof of a building. TV report vs actual scene.
The #COVID #concentration camps in #CCPChina are becoming ever more magnificent! This one under construction is at Cuntanb(寸滩) in #Chongqing City. #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #ZeroCovid #lockdown, #XiJinping #ENDccp #chinalockdown #ZeroCOVIDpolicy
Defend #BeijingOlympics! Everyone in a community in Jinnan District in #Tianjin taken to quarantine camps. #Tianjin is 60 miles away from #Beijing. 天津津南区小区都被拉去集中营隔离。
A patient collapsed in a hospital in #CCPChina. Obviously, no doctor came to check on him. Collapsing of the medical system is another consequence of the #CCP's irresponsible "lying flat" policy. #ZeroCOVIDpolicy #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #XiJinping
“Happy” life inside a #Covid camp in #Chongqing city, #CCPChina. At the end you will see an elderly lady in her 90s, who struggles so hard to walk to the restroom. Nobody is looking after these people. Chongqing has a population of 30M and is currently under #lockdown.
1. Founder of #FalunGong: 400 million have died of #COVID in #China during the past 3 years. 500 million will die when the pandemic is over. 200 million died during #SARS. But #CCP covered it up. Later it 法輪功創始人:中共掩蓋疫情 中國死亡人數達4億 epochtimes.com/gb/23/1/16/n13…
A Japanese TV crew actually tried to enter the village of the #chainedwoman, but failed. I'm glad that her story has caused more attention. 日本電視臺深入 #鐵鏈女 所在董集村,被擋在村外。#中共 急慌慌想把這事壓下去,我們不能讓它得逞。繼續關注!
1. Rumor has it that #XiJinping’s mother Qi Xin died of #COVID in 301 Hospital in #Beijing on Dec 21 & her body will be transferred to Weinan City in Shaanxi Province to be buried together with Xi Jinping Xi Zhongxun. Cai Qi will be the head of the funeral committee.
1/2 At #Urumqi in #Shanghai city, a man gave a public speech and encouraged people not to be afraid. “How did those people died? We will all remember, right?” “Yes!” The crowd replied. He was referring to those killed in the #Urumqi’s fire due to #CCP’s #lockdown
1. Sorry, no time to do English subtitles, but here is a summary of what this girl in #Beijing says: On Dec 17, My dad was very sick. We went to 3 hospitals to no avail. 1st hospital is Chaoyang Hospital. Minimum waiting time 4 hours. We had to go to 2nd one, Huayin Hospital.
#CCP's boycotting of #AustralianCoal has led to a shortage of coal & electricity in China. So it shipped the coal to Vietnam, and then "imported" it back to China, while continuing to pretend that they are still "boycotting Australian coal".
Shocking speech made by a so-called Democracy Activist on American soil, inciting the Republic of China Army to revolt and destroy the Democratic Progressive Party in #Taiwan, and work with #CCP's #PLA to "unify" #Taiwan. Don't underestimate it. It could well be the CCP's plan.
1/2 Breaking: Newly recruited #Foxconn workers in #iPhone city in #Zhengzhou, #CCPChina try to break out of Foxconn as they say they are deceived. Foxconn didn't separate them from older employees who could be #COVID positive, and the contracts they were asked to sign are...
“We want #democracy! No dictatorship!” People shout at #Urumqi Road #Shanghai #CCPChina today. They also demand the #CCP and #XiJinping to step down. Two buses of people were arrested later.
Now, more people are acting following the #SitongBridge protest yesterday. They printed these flyers and intend to go out and post them. Content the same as the banners: "Go on Strike! Boycott Classes! Remove dictator & national traitor Xi Jinping!"
一首關於徐州「鐵鏈女」、八孩母親的非常感人的詩,我翻譯成英文了,內有視頻鏈接,請幫忙傳播! jenniferzengblog.com/home/please-de…
“Severe pneumonia, respiratory failure, all are suffering severe pneumonia, or respiratory failure.” Man says this in perfect Mandarin while shooting this. Don’t know when or where, should be in #Beijing or northern #China judging from his accent. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases
New form of crackdown! After checking this man’s #cellphone, #CCP police summons the man who is under ##lockdown at home to the police station for investigation as he is “suspected of setting up a #WeChat group & inciting everyone to shout together.” #ChinaProtests #ChinaUprising twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
At Zhangjiagang, Suzhou City crematorium. Early in the morning, long line of funeral cars queuing. This is already 1 km away from the crematorium. #CCPChina #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidSurge
#CCP's #CCTV tells us that not only there is wind in the space, but the wind blows in the opposition direction when you move... #中共 的科学实践证明:太空中不但有风,还反著吹呢……
The employment situation in #China is tough. A factory in #Guangdong province is hiring 200 people. 1500 showed up. The salary level is 15 yuan($2.16) /hour, plus free meals and free accommodation. Not easy to find a job.