At, oh, no, outside a hospital in #Beijing, patients receive treatments on the street as there is no more space inside. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #CCPChina #ChinaCovidNews
This is an IQ test question: why is this photo censored in #China now? I will give out the correct answer after someone answers it correctly and follow back.…
Somewhere in #CCPChina #AmazingChina, this happened on Nov 28, 2022. I heard some people are missing #JiangZemin's time, when people had more "freedom". Really? I'll talk about Jiang's 6 legacies & their profound impact on #China & world. Sub to watch:
What a disgrace! Pregnant woman forced to give birth on the road as the hospital refused to admit her cause she didn't have a #COVID test report! #Zhuhai City, #Guangdong Province, #CCPChina, Sep 20. #AmazingChina #CCPVirus #COVID19.
At the raw jade stone market in Luoying Village, Nanyang City, #Henan Province, #CCPChina, people fight like mad to get a piece. It always pains my heart to see that making a living in #China is so difficult that ppl have to fight like this. Or the #CCP has turned many Chinese……
Is #XiJinping Under Arrest After #Military #Coup? 3 Senior Anti-Xi Officials Sentenced to Death Contradicting conclusions, evidence, & facts regarding Xi's mysterious "disappearing" after he returned to #China Script at… Video at
1/2 “Say no to lies, yes to dignity! No to Cultural Revolution, yes to reform! No to leaders, yes to votes! No to slaves, yes to citizens! Go on strike! Boycott classes! Recall dictator and traitor #XiJinping! No dictatorship! No life tenure! All power to the people!
In #Wuhan, some elderly protesters were beaten to the ground. Retirees are protesting against the health insurance cuts. #China #ChinaProtests #ChinaUprising #ChinaStory #CCP #CCPChina #FinancialCrisis
Don’t know when or where, but obviously in #CCPChina. One of the persons has a Sichuan accent. My hometown is Sichuan, so I can tell. The man who posted this only put this caption: “Have you seen hell?” #chinacovid #coronavirus #China #CCPVirus #CCP #ChinaCovidSurge
Employees of #Evergrande, largest real estate developer in #China, shouting "Return my hard-earned money!" outside the company as Evergrande is not paying them. Is the bubble finally bursting? I kind of "predicted" it last year. Watch my show here:
#CCP military vehicles entering #Xuzhou city, #Jiangsu province, #CCPChina. Not sure whether this has anything to do with #ChinaProtest #ChinaUprising #BlankPapersRevolution #A4Revolution in #China. Xu zhou is about 323 miles away from #Shanghai, where protests happened.
不要瞧不起「#鍵盤俠」。我今早起來花了點時間在鍵盤上完成這個視頻的翻譯製作,現在在推特上已經超過4萬的觀看量。有西人觀衆看得很明白,一針見血的留言說:他的話反映了 #習近平#中共 成員們令人作嘔的內心。從 #核平日本,到奴役美國,這些人沒有想不出來的邪惡。中共統治世界的夢想從未熄滅。
At Xihangangang Gezhouba community in #Chengdu city, #CCPChina, the residents removed the iron fence and walked out of the #CCP’s inhumane #lockdown themselves. Seems like people all over #China are now fighting back against the #CCP’s #ZeroCovid policy.
“If we must die, you die together with us! “ “End the #lockdown!” In #Urumqi #Xinjiang, angry people surrounded the government building and demanded lifting the lockdown after being locked down for months. #covid #covid19 #CCPVirus
This is the most ridiculous #lockdown in #CCPChina. They’re locking the land so that no one can go farming. 田都不让种了,来年喝西北风吗?#中共病毒
More from #Xishuangbanna Airport in #Yunnan, #CCPChina. Women ask why the police are using guns against people including children who they are supposed to protect. Police are preventing tourists from leaving as new #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus were found locally.
In Haizhu District, #Guangzhou city, #CCPChina, two women tied and forced to kneel after talking back to epidemic prevention officers. It is rumored that the cause was because one of the two did not wear a mask when taking their takeaway. #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
A "Bug" in the #Chinese #Textbook A Chinese boy found that a textbook published in 2019 "predicts" the #COVID19 outbreak in 2020... #COVID #CCPVirus #covid19
In An’Qing city, An’Hui province, elderly lady beaten by #CCP’s “City managers”. 安庆市,老奶奶被打得满嘴流血🩸
This is something #CCP will fear most: Police siding with the people & arresting a #BigWhite who is trying to lockdown a community in #Beijing. The BigWhite says he comes from the local CDC, police officer says you can't wantonly lock people up. I need to talk to your boss.
Warning! This video will break your heart. Somewhere in #CCPChina, at a #Children's #COVID19 #quarantine camp, a girl asks mom: Why isn't dinner here yet? I am hungry...A lot of others just screaming... #COVID #CCPVirus
How bad is the #realestatemarket in #CCPChina? See this building in #Foshan city, #Guangdong Province. The red signs either say "Low price for sale" or "urgent sale". Who dares to buy?
At #SitongBridge in #Beijing today. The #BlankPapersRevolution is still going on and drivers also honk to support. Why SitongBridge? Watch my show to find out #China #ChinaUprising #ChinaRevolution #chinacovidprotest #ChinaProtests2022
#CCP police are guarding #Beijing Chaoyang Jingjiao funeral home. The woman says after waiting for 12 hours, these cars , all with a body inside, still can’t enter enter. Too many have died. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidNews #ChinaCovidNightmare #China