1/2 How hard is it to sell an apartment in #China? You must watch this to get a real-life sense. Why does she stress that their apartments are "completed"? As in #CCPChina, many apartments are sold before they are finished & thus become the so-called "Rotten-tail projects".
#COVID Camp at Mohan, #Xishuangbanna, #Yunnan #Province in #China. Not sure whether those tourists who were stopped by police with machine guns at the airport two days ago were sent here. #COVID19 #CCPChina #AmazingChina
Breaking: #Abe Assassinated by #CCP’s Secret Member. 52 People in #Taiwan Are on CCP’s #Assassination List "Special task program" initiated by CCP's International Department headed by #LiuJianchao, #XiJinping's henchman. #Australia & #India also in plan. youtu.be/uYIswvUT1Yk
This is huge. People took to the streets to protest against the fact that they couldn’t withdraw money from several banks for 35 days. May 23, in Zhengzhou city, Henan Province, #CCPChina. Banks have gone bankrupt?
The fight escalates. At 5 am, police use tear gas, while #Foxconn workers use fire extinguishers to fight back. See my previous tweets for the background of the fight. #CCPChina, #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #lockdown, #XiJinping #ENDccp #chinalockdown
In usual years, about 300 bodies are burned daily in #Beijing. Now all crematoriums in are operating 24 hours. They can handle 4K bodies/day. But still, many people have to wait for 7 days to get an appointment. Many people are puzzled why the death toll is so high. #COVID19 twitter.com/jenniferzeng97…
Breaking! At Lianxing community at 104 Corps #Xinjiang, #CCPChina, public break into the Public Security Bureau after the police beat up someone. Later, because the leaders did not respond, the angry crowd gather in the community service center and shout “end the #lockdown!”
Explosive discovery! Producer of #ChineseSpyBalloon, China Zhuzhou Rubber Research & Design Institute (中国化工株洲橡胶研究设计院有限公司), is a government-owned military research institute with weapon production licenses. Full report & evidence: jenniferzengblog.com/home/2023/2/4/…
I will talk about the astonishing rumor tonight at youtube.com/c/Inconvenient…. Sub to watch!
Woman in #Shanghai dragged out of her multi-million yuan apartment like an animal. In the name of #COVID19 prevention and control, the #CCP can do anything. 住著幾百萬的房子有什麼用?還不是像狗似的被拖出來。肥的瘦的,左右不過都是韭菜。#中共病毒
2/3: Public tries to stop the police from arresting an old man for exposing corruption. The man showed the crowd that the meat he bought was donated by another province but was sold to make money. At Jinze town Qingpu District, #Shanghai. #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP
突发新闻:#习近平 签署命令发布《军队非战争军事行动纲要(试行)》 防政变的节奏? Breaking: #XiJinping signs order to issue the "Outline of Military Operations Other Than War for the Army", which will come into effect from Jun 15. Are coup threats very real?
Unbelievable! Instead of rushing to put out the fire first, Firefighters in #CCPCHINA asked whether electricity had been switched off. When crying woman said someone was still inside, they didn’t rush either. An official kept saying, “Don’t film!” That’s the only thing they care.
What a shame! You think the #CCP only invades #US with #ChineseSpyBalloon? Look at this pro CCP parade in the #Chinatown in #NYC today(Feb 12). #HuangPing 黄屏, the CCP’s Consul General in #NewYork was the first to speak. See the #XiJinping/ #WinniethePooh shaking his red flag so… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
In #CCPChina, if you dare to go out farming during the #COVID #lockdown #COVID19 #CCPvirus (By the way, the music is epic. Don't know which genius added it).
Jan 8, at a funeral home in Liaoning Province, the man who recorded this video says as too many bodies are here, they need to send some to other places... #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #CCP #China #CCPChina
Sorry, I can't translate this video, as I don't understand this poor foreigner's Chinese, except that he keeps saying "I'm dying". The good news is, everyone is equal in #China now thanks to #COVID19. No more special treatment for foreigners. #北京,洋人被多名大白合力制服
Somewhere in #CCPChina , Trafficker tortures the two women he kidnapped. 舉報人販子。
#Abe was key in the moving of various factions necessary to get rid of Article 9 so Japan could defend itself and help us against CCP expansionism. Even outside of the PMs office he was seen as essential. twitter.com/OrophentheGrea…
Different kinds of covering your mouth. Which one do you prefer? A little girl covering her dad's mouth during the protest in #Shanghai at #Urumqi Road on Nov 26. What did she fear? #ChinaUprising #China #ChinaProtest2022 #BlankPapersRevolution
Man who filmed this wedding banquet in Daliang Mountain in #Sichuan province in #CCPChina was summoned by police. Why? Because this video shows that the #CCP & #XiJinping's claim of having lifted Chinese people out of #poverty is a sheer lie. See more in the thread.
Shocking! In a #CCP’s children’s cartoon book dedicated to the 70th anniversary of #CCPChina, “little red star” Dongzi is portrayed as a hero for burning landlord Hu Hansan to death in his bed! (The English texts is translated and added by me.)
Warning! Disturbing video. Woman sold to 4 men, kept in hole for 6 yrs, gave birth to 3rd baby in the hole. This was reported by Chinese media. Man who detained her arrested. But no one, including her parents, wanted to take her back. Full story: archive.ph/Vesz3
Not sure when or where this is. It is said that No. 21 Cold Storage Warehouse at Yuquanying in #Beijing (北京玉泉营冷库21号) , which has a capacity to store 15K bodies, was requisitioned, & 10.7 K bodies went in on that one day. Not sure whether this is that or something else.
#CCPChina, how a mother desperately prevents for daughter from being taken away by #police/#BigWhites in the name of fighting #COVID19 #COVID #CCPvirus #AmazingChina