Sources in China tell me: 1. Things are very bad in Guangzhou City of #Guangdong province. #CCPVirus cases are exploding. 2. Schools and universities in Beijing won’t open until September. 來自中國的消息:廣州 #中共病毒 案例爆增, 北京的學校9月前都開不了學。
Wow, the previous "50-cent army" got a pay rise again. Now they are "80-cent army" 五毛又漲價了,八毛了。
On April 14, at Bengbu City in #Anhui Province, #China. We've seen similar scenes many times now. 4月14日下午,在安徽蚌埠。同樣的症狀,同樣的景象,已經見到多次了。 More 更多视频: #CCPVirus #COVID2019 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronavirusPandemic
English titles added: CCTV: @SecPompeo, a "Political Virus" Spreader, Is Turning Himself into a Common Enemy for Mankind. 這個加了英文字幕。央視開始破口大罵了。
More of old and new photos "Kim Jong-un" to compare. 更多「金正恩」新老照片對比。
Somewhere in #CCP's #China, people are treated like this. #中共 #公安 把人像狗一樣網起來抓走。
On Aug 31, Mongolian students being arrested amidst protests against the #CCP's policy to cancel #Mongolianlanguage instruction. 8月31日,#中共 抓捕抗議取消 #蒙語 教學的 #蒙古 學生。 #MongolianLanguage #InnerMongolia #culturalgenocide #文化滅絕
Make China Green again. EP4. #中共 式綠化
If #CCP's police are doing this in board daylight, what won't they do behind the walls of prisons? #中共 國的人還要忍多少才起來反抗?
#CCP soldiers can be killed by their superiors using remote control device on their digital combat helmet. This is to uphold their dignity when needed, the CCP says. 把軍人當炮灰 共軍數字化作戰裝置可遙控滅口…
Happening again. #CCP style lockdown in Jinzhou, Dalian, China. #ccpvirus #covid_19 大連金 州。封死你們。
Bombshell evidence! World exclusive! I unearthed & translated into English a video about #Wuhan P4 lab, which can prove that they had live bats in the lab. Sky News showed a little bit of the video. I found the whole thing, 11 minutes.
Scary. Watch this. Speech in 2017 by Wang Jian, director of life science and genomics organization BGI (
#CCP Vows to Nuke #Japan if Japan defends #Taiwan. As Japan is the only country that has been nuked, so nuking Japan "will get twice the result with half the effort." 中共軍事頻道威脅對日本實施連續核打擊,直到日本第二次無條件投降。
#CCP's 6 steps to Eliminate #Japan, Divide It Into 4 States and put them under administration of #China and #Russia with an "unlimited war". And liberate #Taiwan at the same time. #中共 軍事頻道威脅將 #日本 「滅國」,分割成四個小國,由中俄代管,中俄駐軍。同時「 解放」 #臺灣
It is said the tunnel is now under military control, #CCP is secretly moving the bodies out in the night. Watch my comprehensive & unique coverage of the #Zhengzhou #flood , at #floods #HenanProvince #CCPChina #flooding #Flood #chinaflood #ChinaFloods
Exclusive info: Zhang Xiyan, a veteran #CCP member pledges her loyalty to the CCP from #Sydney. I wonder why #Australia and other western countries would take these people in? If she loves the CCP so much, she should live in #CCPChina.
我接獲獨家爆料,此視頻中的女子名叫 #張喜燕#北京政法大學 研究生院畢業(2000-2003年),法律碩士專業,曾任 #北京機場 緝私 #警察,2012年移民澳洲,先生叫 #徐子明…
In #CCPChina, when somebody falls, it’s…business as usual. #中共国 特色的 #社会主义
Look at the cars towed out of the death #tunnel in #Zhengzhou. And the #CCP told us only 6 died in it. My comprehensive coverage about #flood at & 看看这些拖出来的车吧,#郑州 #隧道 里到底死了多少人?点以上看我的英文报导
A student at No. 1 High School in Guo Village, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, #CCPChina collapsed on the spot and died after receiving #vaccine. 扬州市江都区郭村一中学生打疫苗,当场昏倒,抢救无效死亡。该中学生刚刚考进当地的育才中学。
#Iran no good for not being able to blow up even just 1 #atomicbomb. #CCP should arrest 8 more #Canadians & kill all 10 if #Canada dares to send #MengWanzhou to #US. #China needs a big purge, ppl like #VickyZhao should all be arrested. #XiJinping needs to learn from Chairman Mao
中共學者 #李毅#伊朗 支招,給 #中共 支招,說如果 #加拿大 敢把 #孟晚舟 引渡給 #美國,就殺十個加拿大人報復 ,還說全國應該大清洗,把 #趙薇 這樣的人全抓起來。 此短視頻來自他自己8月27號的節目,我加了英文字幕。請大家幫忙傳! #中共才是最大的恐怖分子 #CCPIsTheBiggestTerrorist…
不要瞧不起「#鍵盤俠」。我今早起來花了點時間在鍵盤上完成這個視頻的翻譯製作,現在在推特上已經超過4萬的觀看量。有西人觀衆看得很明白,一針見血的留言說:他的話反映了 #習近平#中共 成員們令人作嘔的內心。從 #核平日本,到奴役美國,這些人沒有想不出來的邪惡。中共統治世界的夢想從未熄滅。
“Voluntary” #Vaccination in #CCPChina 牆國「自願」打 #疫苗