People in #Beijng rushed to withdraw their money as the #CCP will Reduce Medical Insurance Funds aid Into Worker’s Accounts & Ban Personal Account Withdraw. I guess the #COVID19 testing & #XiJinping's #ZeroCovid policy have consumed a large amount of the Medical Insurance Funds?
More from #Foxconn riot last night. Quite fierce. Police car turned upside down. See my previous tweets for more information.
#Guangzhou, a city of over 20 million people, now stays “quiet”. This is a new, and much nicer way of referring to #lockdown. #CCPChina #AmazingChina #CCP #CCPVirus #COVID #COVID19
Wow, this is quite a jump! #CCP says today that 59,938 people died of # COVID-related diseases in all hospitals in #China from Dec 8 to Jan 12. But only 5503 died directly from #COVID. All others had underlying issues. Average age of the dead is 80.3 years old. Do u believe it?
#PLA soldiers destroyed to #Zhengzhou after #Foxconn riot in this #iPhone city. #CCPChina #CCP
No words! Absurdity at a new level. May no beings be born in #CCPChina. #Covid #COVID19 #CCPvirus
In #Guangzhou city, #CCPChina, people are detained in exhibition centers, which were not designed to have so many people living in it. No proper conditions at all. The lights are on 24 hours, and you have to deal with all the snoring and smells… #ZeroCovid #Covid #Covid19
Residents riot in Sungang, #Shenzhen #CCPChina. People are tired of the #lockdown. 深圳笋岗 被封居民反抗了。
Now their plan is widely known. '140,000 Soldiers and 953 Ships': Leaked Audio Clip Reveals #China's Plan To Invade #Taiwan…
Both father and daughter are infected and sick. Father struggles to do acupuncture for daughter. 4 hours later, father dies. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #CCP #China #CCPChina #ChinaCovidNews
Breaking: On February 8, a massive mass protest took place in #Wuhan, #Hubei Province, #China. It was said they are protesting against the local #HealthInsurance reform policy. The other day I heard an audio file. A lady complained about big drop in how much they can claim now.
Warning! Graphic. Today, at Zhengjia Square in #Guangzhou City 广州正佳广场, #CCPChina, a black BMW repeatedly rammed and crushed pedestrians, causing 5 deaths & 13 injuries. Cause unknown at this time. It is suspected that someone wanted revenge on society. #China #CCP
Personal items also get “zeroed out” at the #Foxconn dormitories after workers fled the #iPhone city in #Zhengzhou #CCPChina amid #Covid #lockdown. #AmazingChina #CCP #Covid19 #CCPVirus
#Zhengzhou city in #CCPChina is under #lockdown (again). In order to prevent people from leaving the city, the highway to #Beijing is blocked like this. For the latest situation regarding the #CCP’s #ZeroCovid policy, watch this: #AmazingChina.
#CCP is showing us in real-time what is state #terrorism. I never understand why some people in the West would openly defend the #CCP. #中共國 實時上演 #國家恐怖主義。 現在大家還沒看明白它們所謂的 #防疫 到底是啥嗎? #CCPChina #CCPvirus #COVID19 #lockdown
Young man dancing on top of a police car & showing off his trophy: the plate of a police car he just took off during public's clashes with #CCP police when the cops tried to arrest ppl for setting off fireworks. At Zhoukon, Henan Province, #China. Jan 2 #ChinaProtests
This is very disturbing. I hope the government of #Japan @japan can investigate into these two users. Who are they? What tasks were they given? Were the tasks related to @AbeShinzo #ShinzoAbe's murder? @CIA
Will this become a new normal in #CCPChina? Today, at #Hangzhou East Plastic Co., angry workers stormed the management office as the company didn’t pay salaries and will lay off workers. #China #CCP #ChinaProtests #ChinaUprising
Shall I give a warning message for this one? Anyway, it is said that to attract African students to study in #CCPChina, #Shandong University offers 3 female students as "study companions" to each African student. 山东陪读女大学生的日常?(这个算黄片吗?)
Somewhere in #CCPChina, kids run and caught...#VaccineMandates? #中共國 小學生打 #疫苗
The great exodus of the century. At #Shenzhen Bao'an Airport, a large number of Chinese people are passing through the immigration inspection and fleeing #CCPChina. Many people say, if you want to run ( 润), run as fast as you can, as the door could close soon.
I am talking about this issue now: Is #XiJinping Under Arrest After #Military #Coup? Three Senior #AntiXi Officials Sentenced to Death
The Great Escape of #Foxconn workers. #Zhengzhou, Henan province, CCPChina #CCP #CCPVirus #COVID #COVID19 #AmazingChina
Shocking & suspicious! Li Jinjin, famous #Chinese dissident lawyer, former leader of #Tiananmen Square pro-democracy movement, was stabbed to death in his office in #Flushing, #NewYork. The woman who killed him shouted pro-#CCP slogan when taken into custody. Political murder?