The everyday life of a single dad in #CCPChina. Why doesn't he send his daughter to daycare? No money. Now you understand why so many "chives" or "human mine" in #China don't want to raise kids. "Chives" or "human mine" are what the #Chinese people call themselves, which means,……
How #CCP's female slaves are trained to be able to pour tea for #CCP leaders. Condition to be selected: pass political & health examination, between 1.65 to 1.70 meters tall, look beautiful, etc. To ensure that "nothing goes wrong", girls from #Beijing are not used.
More #Covid camps under construction in Korla, #Xinjiang, #CCPChina
1/2 When I was in #China, a #CCP cop said to me, "You know what? Even if your #FalunGong practitioners stop creating trouble, we'll create some trouble for you. Why? The 610 system (a system set up especially to persecute Falun Gong) has now hired over 1M people. If you don't...
Peng Shuai (彭帅) a Chinese professional tennis player and gold medalist ( posted on WeiBo that Zhang Gaoli, (…) vice premier of China, abandoned her after having an extramarital relationship with her for more than 7 years.
Don’t know exactly why this happened: best guess: this man either tested positive or is a “close contact.” What amazing me is: 1. How obedient this #COVID slave is. 2. How amused the man who recorded this is, as this happens to someone else, not himself. #CCPChina #AmazingChina
Police arrested 2 buses of people after they gathered at #Urumqi Road in #Shanghai city #CCPChina and demanded the #CCP and #XiJinping to step down. “Pull back!” The police shouted. While the public shouted “release them!” Protests are breaking out in many cities in #China
Nearly 60% of flights were canceled across #China yesterday (Sep 21). No reasons were offered. As of 22:35 on September 21, 16,062 flights were planned for the day, and 9,583 flights were canceled.
"#China is the safest country in the world." Plus, #BigBrother is watching you. With so many cameras, why couldn't they find those missing children? Feb 23, in #Chongqing City, #CCPChina #DigitalTotalitarianism
Dec 18, at #Beijing Chuiyangliu Hospital (北京垂杨柳医院), patients and bodies stayed in the same room. #chinalockdown #ZeroCOVIDpolicy #CCPChina #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #lockdown #XiJinping #CCP #China
1. Warning. Graphic. At Zhumadian Xiangshan Crematorium in #Henan Province (河南驻马店香山火葬场), #China, human bodies were not thoroughly cremated and the remains were discarded. The man shooting this video also complains about the pollution.
A run on ICBC, the largest state-owned #bank in #CCPChina, has begun. #中共国 第一大国有银行工商银行开始挤兑。
They told u so! See how civilian RoRo ship turned into combat one in "seconds"! 'This is of great strategic significance.' This goes in line with #CCP's #war mobilization plan. #Guangdong needs to organize 64 such ships. Full plan:…
#CCP Police randomly checking people’s cellphone on the street in #Shanghai, as a way to crackdown on the #ChinaUprising #ChinaProtest2022 #A4Revolution #BlankPapersRevolution #chinaprotest
A #Foxconn worker escaping #Zhengzhou by attaching herself to an oil tank train after escaping from the #COVID #quarantine. Tens of thousands were detained in #Foxconn and starved. It was said that some people died in room 726. #CCPChina #AmazingChina #CCP #iPhone #CCPVirus
Chinese people have just created a new sentence: “We're fighting Death/God of Death for our parents (与死神抢父母).” Don't know how many have died. But obviously, this is somewhere in rural #China, so many people are holding ceremonies to honor the dead... #ChinaCovidDeaths
“Disclose the process! Transparency of information!” Tonight, students in #Wuhan University gather to request transparency of information while the university tries to send the students home. Students demand authorities to respond to their demands & return home on voluntary basis
This is the medicine imaging of a patient who is only 30+ years old. Many people inChina are saying #COVID attack their lungs in this round of outbreaks, very strange. #CCPChina #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidNightmare #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths
1. The sign on the window says, "I guarantee that the deceased XXX did not die of #COVID, and I will be fully responsible for any false claim(s)." Obviously, this is a "template/sample" for people to copy & sign if they want to get the bodies of their families cremated.
At Mao Ye Department Store in #Shenzhen City in #CCPChina, one cop in every meter. That's how the #CCP responds to #ChinaUprising #chinaprotest #ChinaUprising #A4Revolution in #China
Outside the crematorium in #Nanjing City, #Jiangsu Province, woman wailed on the side of the road. Can't work out what she said exactly. Something like, it's Chinese New Year soon, but so many people died. So many dead people are taken to the #crematorium... #ChinaCovidDeaths
In #Shenyang city, as the crematory is already full and cannot hold more bodies, someone chose to leave the body on the ground in front of the crematory and left. A helpless choice, I guess. How many have died in #CCPChina #China? #Covid
In #Beijing, containers are used to transport bodies. It was said 10 containers arrived in one day, not sure which day. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #CCPChina