Ozawa Kenji 小沢健二(@iamOzawaKenji)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

英語にも、直接的でない表現があります。例えば”asking for a friend”「友達のために聞いてます」。これは大概、友達のためではありません。例えば「レゴが尻の穴に入った場合、どうしたら取れますか? 友達のために聞いてます」なら、レゴが入っているのはその人。助けを呼んでいます。
The same person told me, “Those rap songs make kids go crazy,” and lamented that pop music has changed. So you are saying, hip-hop music & Japanese video consoles are to blame for school shootings. Not, like, weapons industries & perpetual wars. Got it. #gunviolence 3/3
Another time in the US, a nice gentleman said to me, “Those violent video games cause school shootings” or sth. Really? Video games do? We MAKE Nintendos and Sony PSs here. ZERO school shootings. #guncontrolnow #gunsense 2/3
View from Japan: One time, a nice clerk in a nice toy store in the US said to me, “I heard they sell toy guns to kids in Japan. That’s so violent!” or sth & I had to say, “Yes, they do, but what they DON’T do is sell REAL guns to adults, so which is more violent?” #guncontrol 1/3
「ツイート英語です」と宣言して始めたものの、日本語で書いた「パン主食」がバズってしまい、銃規制について英語で3連投しようと思ってたのにボタンが押せません。押していいですか、そろそろ。まだ? おしえて
“humble brag” ハンブル・ブラグ とは、へり下ったふりをした自慢のこと。見ますよね、よく。例えば「昨晩ツイッター始めたものの、朝起きたら1万人以上のお名前が並んでいて、どなたにフォローお返ししたら良いかわかりません!」とか。でも本当にどうしよう。考えます。
#TKG, Japan’s essential cost-and-time-saving breakfast, is not possible w/o our (sometimes too much) work ethic & nationwide food infrastructure (farms, transportation, storage & retailing). The last cracked egg was sold in 1952, maybe. May Reiwa bless us w many more TKGs. 2/2
Fresh foods are handled so well in Japanese supply chain that 30 million of us (no official figure avail) enjoy Tamago-Kake-Gohan (RAW egg & soy sauce over rice) every morn w/o the slightest fear of Salmonella. In what other countries can you do that? 1/2