Apr 14, Police in Zhangjiang, #Shanghai, violently dealt with citizens who opposed the expropriation of their homes to build a #quarantine site. #上海 张江镇警察暴力对付反对征用民居建隔离点的市民。 #CCPvirus #CCPChina #COVID19 #中共病毒
#Bigbrother is watching you. Can you count how many cameras are on this pole? This is #Chongqing city, #CCPChina #China, #CCP, #DigitalTotalitarianism
Tonight, a riot broke out in #Guangzhou city, #CCPChina. The crowd cheered and applauded while pushing into the #Covid #lockdown fence. One man stormed into the district government. A large number of police officers rushed to the scene. Enough is enough! #CCPVirus
More accounts he is following:
1. At #Shanghai Jinshan Health Center, people who enter #China & test positive are detained here, usually for more than 10 days, until they test negative twice in a row. Some people can't stand to be locked up and behave abnormally. One woman threatens suicide & asks what's the..
In #CCPChina somewhere, farmers are not allowed to harvest their wheat without a negative #COVID19 test report within 48 hours. #中共国 特色,没有48小时核酸连麦子都不让割了。
Breaking: #PLA plane crashed. One of the pilots is a foreigner & looks like a #Russian. Is #Russia helping #CCP train pilots? Or is CCP helping #Russia? 一架疑似 #中共 L15獵鷹墜毀在安徽霍山,一名飛行員為外籍,如果是 #俄國 人,這是否意味 中共與俄國的軍事合作?
#earthquake in #Sichuan Province captured by car monitor lens. You can see the date and time of the quake.
"Things are so abnormal this year. These swallows refuse to migrate to the south & prefer to freeze to death in the north. What's wrong?" In #China, ppl believe everything is interconnected with other things somehow. When animals behave abnormally, something must be wrong.
In #Lanzhou city, #Gansu province #CCPChina residents topple a #Covid test facility to protest against the #CCP’s #ZeroCovid policy.
Another bank defaulted. “Huishang Bank, return my money!” These people shouted. Huishang Bank was established on Dec 28, 2005, with its headquarters in Hefei, #China, by the joint reorganization of six city commercial banks and seven city credit cooperatives in Anhui Province
In #Guangzhou, #BigWhites are equipped with guns now, after on-going public resistance to the #CCP's #ZeroCovid policy. #CCPChina, #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
Somewhere in #Sichuan province(my hometown), #CCPChina, man says, "If I don't hold a knife in hand, these 'BigWhites' won't listen to me. But if I hold a knife, they listen. If I don't get 'agitated', they won't pay attention..." Is this # the Chinese version of #GunRights?
Protest also broke out in #Wuhan city, #CCPChina. People have had enough of the #CCP’s inhumane #ZeroCovid policy.
The #CCP's "city managers" beat up a child who has to support his family by selling candied haws, while #XiJinping claims that everyone in #China has been lifted out of poverty...這就是 #中共國 的城管及 「全民脫貧」……
The Republic of #China is 110 years old today. The #CCP 's People’s Republic of China is only 72 years old. So who is splitting China? #中華民國 110歲了,#中共國 72歲。誰分裂誰呢?誰在搞獨立呢?
People in #Haizhu district. #Guangzhou city, #CCPChina fight back against the #CCP police and #ZeroCovid #lockdown
Students in Nanjing Media College gathered to mourn victims who died during the fire in #Urumqi #Xinjiang, as well the as all others who died during the #CCP’s #covid #lockdown. Something big is happening in #CCPChina as more and more people are standing up. HOPE! FREEDOM!
Welcome to #CCP's "Zero-#Virus" camp. 美麗的新世界。
#BigWhites in Jing’an District in #Shanghai took to the street to demand payment that the #CCP owes them. Seems #XiJinping’s #ZeroCovid policy is not that sustainable after all, as Shanghai is the richest city in #CCPChina .
This should be Muslims in #Beijing digging graves to bury the dead. The blue background/white word signs say, "Respect the dead, No photography". The license plate of the white Mercedes-Benz car at 1'24" shows it is from Beijing. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths
Most advanced #Covid camps in #Guangzhou, #CCPCHINA. 1.4 B yuan investment, 250 K square meters, 5G internet, 5K rooms, completed in 3 months! PLUS, smart food delivery robots! Oh how proud we are! This is #China speed! Long live #ZeroCovid! #AmazingChina #CCPVIRUS #COVID19
On June 15 , in front of the government building of Xinchang County in Zejiang province in #CCPChina. It is okay for men to beat women if those men are police. 谁说男人不能打女人?得看谁打谁。
At Dongxing port in Baise, Guangxi province in #CCPChina, stowaways are humiliated and denounced. People say that they are the reason why everyone has to be quarantined! 广西百色的东兴口岸,偷渡者被贴大字报游街示众!当地人说就因为他们害得大家被隔离!