1/ Although #China’s liaison office has been toughening its control on #HK in recent weeks, #Hongkongers do not scare off. Tonight, thousands of #hongkongprotesters sang #GloryToHK at Cityplaza and reminded all #hkers of our cause for democracy.
2/ But no matter how peaceful it was, over thousand #hkpolice were deployed to suppress such a non-violent assembly. Police pointed rubber bullet guns at unarmed citizens and tourists. Residents were forcibly pushed into corners. Reporters were humiliated by police with F-words.
3/ #hkpolice abused the 4-person group limit to target political dissents. Days ago, police used the same excuse to ban forthcoming #LabourDay demonstrations. Also, the whole mall was forced to shut down after police interrupted assembly. Clearly, police escalated the situation.
5/ Bursting into tears, Andrew criticized #police for shamefully arousing people’s sentiment in order to justify their violent suppression.
6/ Tonight’s assembly shows that #coronavirus does not kill the spirit of #hongkongprotests. The plague will end one day. But under #China's authoritarian rule, #HK’s freedom, human rights and autonomy can only be protected with the arrival of democracy.
The petition is about changing the name of the square where the Chinese consulate is located in #Gothenburg to Gui Minhai's square. chng.it/D4pdDtM84L
China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower’s warning. hongkongfp.com/2020/03/14/chi…
[#Policebrutality in police stations is beyond our imagination.]
1/ Uncountable arrestees filed their torture complaints to courts since last summer, while 100+ had to stay in hospitals & miss the hearings due to severe injuries eg. concussions, broken bones & vision loss.
2/ Yan (medics) said #hkpolice pointed guns at him & smashed him with batons when he was providing the first-aid service during #PolyUSiege. Inspector tried to plant evidence by putting a gas bomb into his bag. Luckily his bag was full at that time so #police’s move was in vain.
3/ Yan provided first aid services to #HKers. He said one of the patients suffered from severe brain bleed & concussion during detention. X-rays showed that the wound was made by blunt force. The victim has lost his sense of taste & fails to distinguish hot things & sour taste.
4/ In the police station, it’s like hell! #hongkongprotesters were severely beaten with heads covered with blood. Even though they have already lost consciousness, #police kept torturing them by beating their faces with batons and dragging them on the floor.
5/ Without effective checks & balances, #Policeviolence will just prevail without consequences. Under #China’s iron fist, #policebrutality becomes unerasable, only paving way to authoritarianism. It's the reason why #HKers' cause for democracy is only way to bring justice to HK.
HKprotesters take their protests into the virtual world
With a New Cold War on the Rise, What Next for Hong Kong’s Autonomy? The West must decide whether and how to keep a foot in China’s door.
Proud to know that for five straight days there have been ZERO new Wuhan Virus cases in #HongKong. What a turnaround! If there are lessons: (1) Don't trust China, (2) Don't trust the WHO, and (3) Always think critically about the things authorities tell you!
Dawkins is a very respected British scientist, but it's clear he has no idea what he's talking about here. Hong Kongers have actively defied the WHO and its lies. That's how we managed to contain the outbreak. The world needs the truth, not disinformation. twitter.com/RichardDawkins…
This is the new look of the No. 2 Bridge, a pathway into @CUHKofficial, the college campus under siege by the #HKPolice for five days last November. Now it looks like a pathway to prison. What an ironic visualization of how the government sees our generation: all criminals. twitter.com/hkStephenSYY/s…
[Just-in: Joshua Wong and union members were surrounded by #hkpolice for promoting #labour union on #LabourDay]
1. On #LabourDay2020, #Union members and I set up booths to ask #Hongkongers to join new pro-democracy labour unions.
2. Despite only 4 of us, #hkpolice abused the 4-people gathering ban to disband our booth. We were surrounded by over 50 #police. Once again, #coronavirus measures were used to suppress political dissents in #HKpolicestate.
It's funny in two ways. 1) A self-proclaimed Communist Party is trying to criticize the world's most renowned haven of neoliberalism from the right, as if lecturing Hong Kongers: "You folks aren't laissez faire enough!" Don't pro-Beijing left-wingers in the West see the irony?